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"Masterminds" Characters Analysis

By Gordon Korman

middle grade | 336 pages | Published in 2015

ISBN_13: 9780062299963

Estimated read time: 5 min read

Table of Contents

List of Characters

Character NameRole
Eli FriedenProtagonist
Tori PritelmanProtagonist
Malik DaleProtagonist
Amber TateProtagonist
Hector AmaniAntagonist
Ms. OlanderAntagonist

Role Identification

Eli Frieden: Protagonist, main character who uncovers the dark secrets of his seemingly perfect hometown.

Tori Pritelman: Protagonist, Eli's close friend who joins him in unraveling the mysteries of their town.

Malik Dale: Protagonist, another friend of Eli's who becomes involved in the uncovering of the town's secrets.

Amber Tate: Protagonist, a key member of the group of friends uncovering the truth about their town.

Hector Amani: Antagonist, a mysterious figure linked to the town's secrets and a threat to the protagonists.

Ms. Olander: Antagonist, a town official involved in the cover-up of the town's secrets.

Character Descriptions

Eli Frieden: Eli is a curious and determined young boy. He possesses a natural inclination for problem-solving and an unwavering sense of justice.

Tori Pritelman: Tori is a resourceful and quick-witted girl with a strong sense of loyalty to her friends. She is unafraid to challenge the status quo.

Malik Dale: Malik is a thoughtful and observant boy who brings a calm and analytical perspective to the group. He is known for his keen insight.

Amber Tate: Amber is a bold and adventurous girl who is always ready to take risks for the sake of uncovering the truth. She adds a fearless dynamic to the group.

Hector Amani: Hector is a shadowy and enigmatic figure, shrouded in mystery and danger. His motives and true nature remain elusive.

Ms. Olander: Ms. Olander is an authoritative and manipulative figure in the town, concealing the dark secrets that the protagonists seek to uncover.

Character Traits

Eli FriedenCurious, determined, just
Tori PritelmanResourceful, loyal, brave
Malik DaleThoughtful, observant, insightful
Amber TateBold, adventurous, fearless
Hector AmaniMysterious, dangerous, enigmatic
Ms. OlanderAuthoritative, manipulative, secretive

Character Background

Eli Frieden: Eli grew up in the seemingly perfect town of Serenity, where he always felt like an outsider. His curiosity and sense of justice drive him to uncover the truth about his town's dark secrets.

Tori Pritelman: Tori has lived in Serenity her whole life, but she becomes disillusioned with the town's facade as she joins Eli in his quest for the truth.

Malik Dale: Malik is a newcomer to Serenity, which gives him a unique perspective on the town's hidden truths. His analytical nature becomes an asset in unraveling the mysteries.

Amber Tate: Amber, a longtime resident of Serenity, shares Eli's curiosity and joins the group in their mission to expose the town's secrets.

Hector Amani: Hector's background remains shrouded in mystery, adding an element of danger and unpredictability to the unfolding events in Serenity.

Ms. Olander: As a prominent figure in the town, Ms. Olander has been instrumental in maintaining the facade of Serenity. Her background and motivations are deeply intertwined with the town's secrets.

Character Arcs

Eli Frieden: Eli's character arc involves transforming from an outsider with nagging suspicions to a determined truth-seeker willing to challenge the town's authority.

Tori Pritelman: Tori's arc revolves around her journey from a content resident of Serenity to a courageous ally of Eli, committed to uncovering the town's hidden truths.

Malik Dale: Malik undergoes a transformation from a newcomer trying to fit in to a crucial member of the group, using his unique perspective to unravel the town's mysteries.

Amber Tate: Amber's arc showcases her evolution from a thrill-seeking resident to a fearless truth-seeker, willing to confront the dangers of exposing the town's secrets.

Hector Amani: Hector's arc unfolds as his mysterious intentions and true nature gradually come to light, revealing the extent of his threat to the protagonists.

Ms. Olander: Ms. Olander's arc involves her descent from an authoritative figure to a manipulative antagonist, as her role in the town's cover-up is exposed.


Eli and Tori: Eli and Tori share a deep bond of friendship, built on mutual trust and a shared determination to uncover the truth about their town.

Eli and Malik: Eli and Malik's friendship grows as they work together to unravel the town's mysteries, with Malik's analytical approach complementing Eli's determination.

Eli and Amber: Eli and Amber's shared curiosity and fearlessness create a strong partnership as they venture into dangerous territory to uncover the truth.

Tori and Amber: Tori and Amber's friendship is characterized by their mutual bravery and unwavering support for each other as they face the challenges of exposing the town's secrets.

Hector and Ms. Olander: The relationship between Hector and Ms. Olander remains shrouded in mystery, hinting at a deeper connection that adds to the intrigue of the story.

This character analysis provides a comprehensive understanding of the key characters in "Masterminds" by Gordon Korman, their roles, development, and relationships within the story.