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"Masterminds" Summary

By Gordon Korman

middle grade | 336 pages | Published in 2015

ISBN_13: 9780062299963

Estimated read time: 5 min read

One Sentence Summary

A group of kids in a seemingly perfect town uncover dark secrets and must escape before it's too late.


"Masterminds" is a young adult novel written by Gordon Korman. The book follows a group of children who discover a dark secret about their seemingly perfect small town. As they uncover the truth, they must navigate through a web of lies and deception, ultimately leading to a thrilling and shocking conclusion.

Brief Synopsis

Plot Overview

"Masterminds" is set in the idyllic town of Serenity, New Mexico, where everything seems perfect. The streets are clean, the crime rate is non-existent, and the citizens are friendly. However, a group of friends - Eli, Malik, Tori, and Amber - begin to question the strange rules and surveillance in their town. As they dig deeper, they uncover a shocking truth about the town and its inhabitants.


The story takes place in the fictional town of Serenity, New Mexico. The town is portrayed as picturesque and orderly, with a dark underbelly that the main characters gradually uncover. The contrast between the outward tranquility and the hidden secrets adds to the suspense and intrigue of the plot.

Main Characters

The key characters in "Masterminds" include:

EliThe protagonist, curious and resourceful
MalikEli's best friend, with a strong sense of justice
ToriA determined and intelligent member of the group
AmberQuick-witted and resourceful, adds a spark to the group

Summary of Story Points Over Chapters

Chapter 1-5:

The story introduces the main characters and the town of Serenity. The children begin to notice the unusual aspects of their town, such as the lack of crime and the strict rules enforced by the adults.

Chapter 6-10:

Eli and his friends start investigating the truth behind the town's secrets. They encounter resistance from the adults and face various obstacles in their quest for the truth.

Chapter 11-15:

The group makes significant discoveries about the origins of the town and its inhabitants. They realize that their lives have been carefully orchestrated and that they are not who they thought they were.

Chapter 16-20:

As the children uncover more about the town's dark secrets, they find themselves in increasing danger. They struggle to stay ahead of the adults who are determined to maintain control.

Chapter 21-25:

The truth about Serenity and its residents is finally revealed, leading to a dramatic confrontation between the children and the adults. The shocking revelations change their lives forever.

Main Events

  1. The children notice the unusual aspects of their town and begin questioning the status quo.
  2. They embark on a journey to uncover the truth about Serenity, facing resistance and danger along the way.
  3. The group makes startling discoveries about the town's origins and its inhabitants, leading to a confrontation with the adults.
  4. The truth about Serenity and its dark secrets is revealed, forever altering the lives of the children and the town's residents.

Themes and Insights


  1. Deception and Control: The novel explores the theme of deception and control, as the children realize that their lives have been carefully manipulated by the adults in the town.
  2. Identity and Self-Discovery: The characters grapple with their true identities and the implications of their discoveries on their sense of self.
  3. Friendship and Loyalty: The bond between the main characters is tested as they navigate through the challenges and dangers they face in their quest for the truth.


The novel offers insights into the complexities of human nature, the consequences of blind obedience, and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity. It also prompts readers to question authority and consider the importance of critical thinking and individual freedom.

Reader's Takeaway

"Masterminds" captivates readers with its compelling narrative, engaging characters, and thought-provoking themes. It challenges readers to question the status quo and contemplate the implications of blind obedience. The novel's thrilling plot and unexpected revelations make it a gripping and unforgettable read.


"Masterminds" by Gordon Korman is a captivating young adult novel that delves into the themes of deception, identity, and friendship. Set in the seemingly perfect town of Serenity, the story follows a group of children as they unravel the dark secrets of their community, leading to a dramatic and shocking conclusion. With its thought-provoking insights and suspenseful plot, "Masterminds" is a compelling read that leaves a lasting impression on its audience.

Masterminds FAQ

  1. What is the genre of 'Masterminds'?

    Masterminds is a young adult science fiction novel.

  2. Who is the author of 'Masterminds'?

    Gordon Korman is the author of 'Masterminds'.

  3. What is the main theme of 'Masterminds'?

    The main theme of 'Masterminds' revolves around identity, secrets, and the consequences of discovering the truth.

  4. Is 'Masterminds' part of a series?

    Yes, 'Masterminds' is the first book in a trilogy.

  5. What age group is 'Masterminds' suitable for?

    The book is suitable for readers aged 8-12, but can also be enjoyed by older readers.