My Lady Jane
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"My Lady Jane" Characters Analysis

By Cynthia Hand

historical fiction | 491 pages | Published in 2016


Estimated read time: 8 min read

List of Characters

Character NameRole
Lady Jane GreyProtagonist
King Edward VISupporting Character
Gifford DudleyLove Interest
Mary TudorSupporting Character
GracieLady Jane's Friend
Lord DudleyGifford's Father
Edward SeymourLady Jane's Cousin

Role Identification

Lady Jane Grey is the protagonist of the book "My Lady Jane" by Cynthia Hand. She is a young noblewoman who becomes embroiled in political intrigue and a plot to steal the throne of England.

Character Descriptions

Lady Jane Grey

Lady Jane Grey is a sixteen-year-old girl with a passion for books and knowledge. She possesses a strong sense of justice and an independent spirit. She has long, dark hair and wears simple, practical clothing. Jane is known for her intelligence and wit.

King Edward VI

King Edward VI is Jane's cousin and the current ruler of England. He is portrayed as a sickly young boy with a weak constitution. Despite his frailty, Edward is determined to secure a Protestant succession for England.

Gifford Dudley

Gifford, also known as "G," is a shape-shifter and one of the few people who knows about the E∂ians, individuals who can turn into animals. He is assigned to marry Jane as part of a political arrangement but hides his true identity as an E∂ian.

Mary Tudor

Mary Tudor, also known as "Bloody Mary," is the eldest daughter of King Henry VIII. She is a devout Catholic and seeks to restore Catholicism in England. Mary is a formidable and ambitious character who poses a threat to Jane and her Protestant allies.


Gracie is Lady Jane's loyal friend and confidante. She is a fellow book lover and provides emotional support to Jane throughout her journey. Gracie is depicted as a kind-hearted and resourceful character.

Lord Dudley

Lord Dudley is Gifford's father and a prominent nobleman. He is ambitious and manipulative, using his son as a pawn in his political schemes. Lord Dudley is willing to go to great lengths to ensure his family's position and power.

Edward Seymour

Edward Seymour is Lady Jane's cousin and a key player in the plot to place Jane on the throne. He is portrayed as a sly and cunning character who orchestrates political maneuvers behind the scenes.

Character Traits

Lady Jane Grey is intelligent, determined, and courageous. She possesses a thirst for knowledge and a strong moral compass. Jane is also stubborn and unwilling to compromise her principles.

King Edward VI is depicted as weak physically but strong-willed. He is determined to ensure a Protestant succession for England and is willing to take risks to achieve his goals.

Gifford Dudley is initially aloof and guarded but reveals his caring and compassionate nature as the story unfolds. He is loyal to Jane and willing to sacrifice his own happiness for the greater good.

Mary Tudor is portrayed as fierce and single-minded in her pursuit of power. She is unyielding in her devotion to Catholicism and is willing to use any means necessary to attain her objectives.

Gracie is portrayed as kind-hearted, supportive, and resourceful. She provides a source of comfort and stability for Jane throughout her journey.

Lord Dudley is cunning and manipulative, using his influence and power to further his own agenda. He is driven by ambition and is willing to exploit his own son for political gain.

Edward Seymour is portrayed as a mastermind behind the political machinations in the story. He is strategic and willing to manipulate events to achieve his desired outcome.

Character Background

Lady Jane Grey comes from a noble family with strong Protestant beliefs. She is well-educated and has a deep love for books and learning. Jane's parents and tutors instilled in her a sense of duty and responsibility, preparing her for a life of service to her country.

Gifford Dudley comes from a noble family with a secret: they are E∂ians, individuals who can turn into animals. Gifford's father, Lord Dudley, has manipulated him into a politically advantageous marriage with Lady Jane. Gifford struggles to balance his loyalty to his family with his growing affection for Jane.

Mary Tudor is the daughter of King Henry VIII and his first wife, Catherine of Aragon. She grew up in a tumultuous political climate, witnessing the religious upheaval and power struggles that marked her father's reign. Mary is deeply committed to her Catholic faith and feels a strong sense of duty to restore Catholicism in England.

Gracie is a commoner who befriends Lady Jane Grey. She is a devoted friend and ally, offering emotional support and practical assistance throughout Jane's journey.

Lord Dudley is a powerful nobleman who seeks to increase his family's influence and control over the throne. He sees Lady Jane as a means to achieve his ambitions and is willing to manipulate and sacrifice others to ensure his success.

Edward Seymour is Lady Jane's cousin and a member of the powerful Seymour family. He is motivated by a desire for power and control, orchestrating political maneuvers to place Jane on the throne and secure his own position.

Character Arcs

Lady Jane Grey's character arc in "My Lady Jane" is one of self-discovery and growth. Initially, she is a bookish and sheltered young woman who lacks confidence in her abilities. However, as she becomes embroiled in political intrigue and faces numerous challenges, Jane discovers her inner strength and becomes a formidable leader. She learns to trust her instincts and make difficult decisions for the greater good.

Gifford Dudley's character arc revolves around self-acceptance and learning to embrace his true identity as an E∂ian. Initially, he hides his shape-shifting abilities and struggles with feelings of shame and insecurity. However, as he falls in love with Jane and becomes more involved in the fight for justice, Gifford gains confidence and embraces his unique abilities.

Mary Tudor's character arc centers around her transformation from a power-hungry antagonist to a more complex and sympathetic character. As the story progresses, the reader gains insight into Mary's motivations and experiences. While she remains a formidable adversary for Jane and her allies, Mary's actions are driven by a genuine belief in her cause and a desire to protect what she holds dear.


Lady Jane Grey and Gifford Dudley develop a deep and meaningful relationship throughout the book. Initially forced into a political marriage, they gradually grow to understand and support one another. Their bond is built on trust, shared experiences, and a mutual desire for justice and equality.

Lady Jane Grey's relationship with Gracie is one of friendship and unwavering support. Gracie is a constant source of encouragement and comfort for Jane, providing a listening ear and practical assistance whenever needed.

Lady Jane Grey's relationship with her cousin Edward Seymour is complex. Initially, Jane sees Edward as a trusted ally and mentor. However, as the story unfolds, she begins to question his motives and actions. Their relationship becomes strained as Jane realizes the extent of Edward's manipulation and deceit.

Mary Tudor's relationship with Lady Jane Grey is one of rivalry and conflict. As the main antagonist of the story, Mary seeks to undermine Jane's claim to the throne and restore Catholicism in England. Their relationship is characterized by political maneuvering and a clash of ideologies.

Lord Dudley's relationship with Gifford is one of manipulation and control. He uses his son as a pawn in his political schemes, forcing Gifford into a loveless marriage for his own gain.

In conclusion, "My Lady Jane" by Cynthia Hand features a diverse cast of characters with complex relationships and compelling character arcs. Lady Jane Grey, Gifford Dudley, Mary Tudor, and the other characters in the book come to life through their distinctive traits, backgrounds, and interactions. The story explores themes of love, friendship, loyalty, and the pursuit of justice, making it a captivating read for fans of historical fiction and fantasy.