Estimated read time: 5 min read

One Sentence Summary

A humorous and fantastical retelling of the tragic story of Lady Jane Grey.


In the realm of historical fiction and fantasy, "My Lady Jane" by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows stands out as a delightful and whimsical tale. This cleverly crafted novel takes the reader on a journey through Tudor England, blending historical events with magical elements and a healthy dose of humor. With its engaging characters and unexpected twists, "My Lady Jane" offers a fresh and entertaining take on a well-known period in history.

Brief Synopsis

Set in 16th century England, "My Lady Jane" introduces us to Lady Jane Grey, a bookish and intelligent young woman who finds herself unexpectedly married off to the charming but mysterious Lord Gifford Dudley. However, this is no ordinary marriage, as Lord Gifford happens to be afflicted with a rather unusual curse - he transforms into a horse every day at sunrise.

As Lady Jane and Lord Gifford navigate their unconventional marriage, they also become embroiled in the political struggles and power plays of the Tudor court. With the young king, Edward VI, on his deathbed and various factions vying for control of the throne, Lady Jane and Lord Gifford find themselves caught up in a web of deceit and danger.

Main Characters

Lady Jane GreyA young woman with a love for books and knowledge, Lady Jane is intelligent, witty, and determined. She possesses a strong sense of justice and is not afraid to challenge the expectations placed upon her by society.
Lord GiffordCursed to transform into a horse every day, Lord Gifford is a charming and kind-hearted young man. Despite his unusual affliction, he remains optimistic and uses his unique abilities to aid Lady Jane and others in their quests.
King Edward VIThe young king of England, Edward VI is gravely ill and manipulated by those around him. He plays a pivotal role in the political turmoil of the story, as various factions attempt to control his actions and secure their own positions of power.

Summary of Story Points

Chapter 1-5: Introduction and Cursed Encounters

Lady Jane Grey and Lord Gifford Dudley are introduced to the readers. Lady Jane's initial reluctance to marry Lord Gifford is explored, and the curse that transforms him into a horse is revealed. The two characters begin to develop a connection.

Chapter 6-10: Tudor Court Intrigues

As Lady Jane and Lord Gifford settle into their marriage, they find themselves embroiled in the political struggles of the Tudor court. With the young king, Edward VI, on his deathbed, various factions vie for control of the throne. Lady Jane's intelligence and wit become assets as she navigates the complex web of deceit and power plays.

Chapter 11-15: Unraveling the Curse

Lady Jane and Lord Gifford embark on a quest to find a solution to Lord Gifford's curse. They encounter magical creatures, uncover hidden secrets, and face dangerous adversaries. Along the way, their bond deepens, and they discover the true extent of their abilities.

Chapter 16-20: The Battle for the Throne

As tensions rise and the struggle for power reaches its peak, Lady Jane and Lord Gifford find themselves at the center of the battle for the throne. They must use their newfound knowledge and skills to navigate treacherous alliances and ensure a just outcome for England.

Main Events

  1. Lady Jane and Lord Gifford's unconventional marriage and the revelation of Lord Gifford's curse.
  2. Lady Jane's involvement in the political intrigues of the Tudor court and her quest for justice.
  3. Lady Jane and Lord Gifford's journey to find a solution to Lord Gifford's curse, encountering magical creatures and facing dangerous adversaries.
  4. The climax of the story, with Lady Jane and Lord Gifford playing a pivotal role in the battle for the throne.

Themes and Insights

  • The power of love and acceptance: "My Lady Jane" explores the idea that true love sees beyond external appearances or societal expectations. Lady Jane's acceptance of Lord Gifford, despite his curse, highlights the importance of unconditional love and the ability to look beyond surface-level differences.
  • Challenging societal norms: Lady Jane's character challenges the patriarchal society of Tudor England. Her intelligence, wit, and refusal to conform to traditional gender roles showcase the strength and resilience of women in the face of societal expectations.
  • The complexity of power: The novel delves into the intricate power dynamics at play during the Tudor era. It explores the manipulation, deceit, and ambition that often accompany the pursuit of power, highlighting the consequences and moral dilemmas faced by those caught in its web.

Reader's Takeaway

"My Lady Jane" is a charming and humorous novel that seamlessly blends history, fantasy, and romance. It offers a fresh perspective on the Tudor era, with engaging characters and unexpected twists that keep readers hooked from beginning to end. The book's themes of love, acceptance, and challenging societal norms provide valuable insights and make it a thoroughly enjoyable read.


"My Lady Jane" by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows is a delightful and imaginative novel that breathes new life into the historical fiction genre. With its blend of history, fantasy, and romance, it captivates readers with its engaging characters, witty dialogue, and unexpected plot twists. Whether you're a fan of Tudor history or simply enjoy a well-crafted story, "My Lady Jane" is sure to entertain and leave you wanting more.

My Lady Jane FAQ

  1. What is the genre of 'My Lady Jane'?

    The genre of 'My Lady Jane' is historical fantasy.

  2. Who are the authors of 'My Lady Jane'?

    'My Lady Jane' is written by the trio of authors Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows.

  3. What is the book about?

    'My Lady Jane' is a humorous retelling of the tragic story of Lady Jane Grey, who was briefly the queen of England before being beheaded. However, in this version, the authors take a fantastical twist by turning the story into a shape-shifting, comedic adventure.

  4. Is 'My Lady Jane' suitable for young adult readers?

    Yes, 'My Lady Jane' is classified as a young adult novel and is suitable for readers in that age group.

  5. Are there any romantic elements in the story?

    Yes, 'My Lady Jane' includes romantic elements as part of the plot.

  6. Does 'My Lady Jane' have a sequel?

    No, 'My Lady Jane' is a standalone novel and does not have a direct sequel. However, the authors have written other books that may be of interest to readers.

  7. Are there any historical references in the book?

    Yes, despite its fantastical nature, 'My Lady Jane' includes various historical references and events.

  8. Is 'My Lady Jane' a lighthearted and funny read?

    Yes, 'My Lady Jane' is known for its humor and lighthearted tone, making it an enjoyable read for those who appreciate comedic storytelling.

  9. What age group is 'My Lady Jane' suitable for?

    'My Lady Jane' is primarily targeted towards young adult readers, but it can be enjoyed by readers of various ages who appreciate historical fantasy and humor.

  10. Is 'My Lady Jane' based on a true story?

    Yes, 'My Lady Jane' is loosely based on the historical figure Lady Jane Grey, who was the queen of England for a short period in the 16th century.