My Sweet Audrina
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"My Sweet Audrina" Characters Analysis

By V.C. Andrews

fiction | 403 pages | Published in NaN

ISBN_13: 9999999999999

Estimated read time: 13 min read

List of Characters

Character NameRole
Audrina AdareProtagonist
Vera WhitefernAntagonist
Damian AdareAudrina's father
Lucietta AdareAudrina's mother
Arden LoweLove interest
Sylvia LoweArden's mother
Billie LouAudrina's sister
Aunt EllsbethFamily member
Sylvia WhitefernVera's mother
Mrs. BunnHousekeeper

Role Identification

In the book "My Sweet Audrina" by V.C. Andrews, the characters play various roles that contribute to the development of the story. The protagonist, Audrina Adare, is the main character whose life and experiences are central to the narrative. Vera Whitefern serves as the antagonist, creating conflict and tension for Audrina. Other characters, such as Damian Adare, Lucietta Adare, Arden Lowe, Sylvia Lowe, Billie Lou, Aunt Ellsbeth, Sylvia Whitefern, and Mrs. Bunn, play supporting roles that impact Audrina's journey.

Character Descriptions

Audrina Adare

Audrina Adare is a young woman in her late teens who is haunted by her past. She has long, dark hair and striking blue eyes. Audrina is described as fragile and vulnerable, often struggling with her own identity and trying to make sense of the mysteries surrounding her family. Despite her traumatic experiences, she possesses an inner strength that allows her to confront the challenges that come her way.

Vera Whitefern

Vera Whitefern is Audrina's older sister and the primary source of conflict in the story. She is depicted as beautiful, manipulative, and deceitful. Vera's actions are often driven by jealousy and a desire to control Audrina. Her cunning and cruel nature make her a formidable antagonist throughout the book.

Damian Adare

Damian Adare is Audrina's father, a wealthy and powerful man. He is portrayed as a distant and enigmatic figure, with a dark secret that haunts him. Damian's actions have a profound impact on Audrina's life, and his character is shrouded in mystery and complexity.

Lucietta Adare

Lucietta Adare, Audrina's mother, is a fragile and emotionally unstable woman. Her past trauma and secrets contribute to the turmoil within the family. Lucietta's character is both sympathetic and troubled, adding depth to the family dynamics.

Arden Lowe

Arden Lowe is a charming and kind young man who becomes Audrina's love interest. He is described as handsome, with a gentle demeanor. Arden's presence brings stability and love into Audrina's life, offering a contrast to the darkness surrounding her.

Sylvia Lowe

Sylvia Lowe is Arden's overprotective mother. She is portrayed as a strong-willed and controlling woman who tries to manipulate Audrina's relationship with her son. Sylvia's character adds an element of tension and conflict to the story.

Billie Lou

Billie Lou is Audrina's younger sister and a source of comfort and companionship. She is described as playful and energetic. Billie Lou's presence provides Audrina with moments of joy and support amidst the family's turmoil.

Aunt Ellsbeth

Aunt Ellsbeth is a family member who plays a minor role in the story. She is depicted as a wise and nurturing figure, providing guidance and advice to Audrina during difficult times.

Sylvia Whitefern

Sylvia Whitefern is Vera's mother and an influential figure in the family. She is portrayed as domineering and manipulative, with a dark secret that connects her to Audrina's past. Sylvia's character adds complexity to the narrative and contributes to the tension between the sisters.

Mrs. Bunn

Mrs. Bunn is the housekeeper in the Adare household. She is depicted as loyal and caring towards Audrina, providing a sense of stability and support in an otherwise tumultuous environment.

Character Traits

Audrina Adare

  • Fragile
  • Vulnerable
  • Determined
  • Resilient
  • Curious

Vera Whitefern

  • Manipulative
  • Jealous
  • Deceitful
  • Cruel
  • Calculating

Damian Adare

  • Distant
  • Enigmatic
  • Powerful
  • Haunted
  • Secretive

Lucietta Adare

  • Fragile
  • Emotionally unstable
  • Troubled
  • Sympathetic
  • Mysterious

Arden Lowe

  • Charming
  • Kind
  • Gentle
  • Stable
  • Loving

Sylvia Lowe

  • Strong-willed
  • Controlling
  • Manipulative
  • Overprotective
  • Tense

Billie Lou

  • Playful
  • Energetic
  • Supportive
  • Joyful
  • Lively

Aunt Ellsbeth

  • Wise
  • Nurturing
  • Supportive
  • Caring
  • Insightful

Sylvia Whitefern

  • Domineering
  • Manipulative
  • Mysterious
  • Dark
  • Secretive

Mrs. Bunn

  • Loyal
  • Caring
  • Supportive
  • Reliable
  • Kind-hearted

Character Background

Audrina Adare

Audrina Adare grew up in a wealthy and secluded family. She has a traumatic past, with her older sister, Vera, being the cause of many of her emotional scars. Audrina's father, Damian, is a powerful figure with secrets that impact her life. Her mother, Lucietta, is emotionally fragile and struggles to cope with her own past. Audrina's background is filled with family secrets, tragedies, and a sense of isolation.

Vera Whitefern

Vera Whitefern is Audrina's older sister who resents her for being the favored daughter. She is manipulative and deceitful, using her beauty and cunning to control those around her. Vera's background is marked by jealousy, bitterness, and a desire for power, which drives her actions throughout the story.

Damian Adare

Damian Adare is Audrina's father, a wealthy and influential man. His background is shrouded in mystery, with a dark secret that haunts him and affects his relationship with his daughters. Damian's background includes a traumatic event that shapes the family dynamics and adds a layer of complexity to his character.

Lucietta Adare

Lucietta Adare, Audrina's mother, has a troubled background that contributes to her emotional instability. Her past trauma and secrets create a sense of tension within the family. Lucietta's background is filled with pain, loss, and a struggle to find her own identity.

Arden Lowe

Arden Lowe comes from a loving and supportive family. His background contrasts with Audrina's, offering stability and a sense of normalcy. Arden's upbringing shapes his kind and gentle nature, providing a refuge for Audrina in the midst of her turbulent life.

Sylvia Lowe

Sylvia Lowe, Arden's mother, has a controlling and overprotective nature. Her background is marked by a need to maintain control over her son's life and relationships. Sylvia's background adds an element of tension and conflict to the story, as her actions impact Audrina's relationship with Arden.

Billie Lou

Billie Lou's background is intertwined with Audrina's, as they share the same family. She grows up in the same isolated environment, facing the same family secrets and tragedies. Billie Lou's background adds a sense of sisterhood and support to Audrina's journey.

Aunt Ellsbeth

Aunt Ellsbeth's background is not extensively explored in the story. However, she is depicted as a wise and nurturing figure who provides guidance and support to Audrina. Her background likely includes experiences that have shaped her insights and wisdom.

Sylvia Whitefern

Sylvia Whitefern's background is known to be dark and mysterious. She plays a significant role in the family's past, with connections to the secrets that haunt Audrina. Sylvia's background adds depth and complexity to her character, as she navigates a web of deceit and manipulation.

Mrs. Bunn

Mrs. Bunn's background is not explicitly described in the book. However, she is portrayed as a loyal and caring housekeeper who has likely been with the Adare family for a significant period. Her background is characterized by a sense of duty and compassion towards Audrina.

Character Arcs

Audrina Adare

Audrina's character arc revolves around her journey of self-discovery and healing. She starts as a fragile and vulnerable young woman, haunted by her past and struggling to understand her own identity. Throughout the story, Audrina matures emotionally and gains strength to confront the secrets and traumas that have plagued her family. Her arc is marked by resilience, as she confronts her fears, uncovers the truth, and finds her own voice.

Vera Whitefern

Vera's character arc is one of manipulation and control. She starts as a jealous and deceitful sister, determined to undermine Audrina and maintain her position as the favored daughter. As the story progresses, Vera's actions escalate, leading to a climax that reveals the extent of her cruelty. Her arc ultimately ends in her downfall, as her manipulations are exposed and she faces the consequences of her actions.

Damian Adare

Damian's character arc is one of redemption and seeking forgiveness. He starts as a distant and enigmatic father, burdened by a dark secret. As the story unfolds, Damian's actions and choices contribute to the healing process for Audrina and the family. His arc is characterized by remorse and a desire to make amends, leading to a resolution that brings closure and reconciliation.

Lucietta Adare

Lucietta's character arc revolves around her emotional stability and growth. She starts as a fragile and emotionally unstable mother, struggling to cope with her past trauma. Throughout the story, Lucietta finds the strength to confront her demons and support Audrina in her journey. Her arc is marked by self-discovery and the ability to find healing alongside her daughter.

Arden Lowe

Arden's character arc is one of love and support. He starts as a kind and gentle love interest for Audrina, providing stability and love. As the story progresses, Arden remains steadfast in his support for Audrina, offering her a safe haven amidst the turmoil. His arc is characterized by unwavering loyalty and love, ultimately leading to a resolution that solidifies their bond.

Sylvia Lowe

Sylvia's character arc revolves around control and manipulation. She starts as an overprotective mother, determined to maintain control over her son's relationships. Throughout the story, Sylvia's actions escalate, adding tension and conflict to Audrina's life. Her arc ends with a revelation of her own secrets and a realization of the consequences of her manipulations.


Audrina and Vera

The relationship between Audrina and Vera is a central conflict in the story. Vera's jealousy and manipulations create a toxic dynamic between the sisters. Audrina's desire for acceptance and validation from Vera drives much of her internal struggle. Their relationship is marked by tension, betrayal, and the quest for power.

Audrina and Damian

Audrina's relationship with her father, Damian, is complex and filled with secrets. She longs for his love and approval, yet is haunted by his past actions. Damian's presence looms over Audrina's journey, as she seeks to uncover the truth and understand his motivations. Their relationship is characterized by a sense of longing, unresolved emotions, and the search for redemption.

Audrina and Lucietta

Audrina's relationship with her mother, Lucietta, is fraught with emotional instability and trauma. Lucietta's own struggles impact her ability to provide the support and guidance Audrina needs. Despite this, Audrina and Lucietta share a bond of shared experiences and a desire for healing. Their relationship is marked by moments of connection, as they navigate the complexities of their family's history.

Audrina and Arden

Audrina's relationship with Arden is a source of stability and love in her life. Arden's gentle nature and unwavering support provide Audrina with a sense of security. Their relationship evolves from friendship to love, offering Audrina a glimpse of happiness amidst the darkness. Their bond is characterized by trust, understanding, and a shared desire for a better future.

Audrina and Sylvia Lowe

Audrina's relationship with Sylvia Lowe is one of conflict and manipulation. Sylvia's actions complicate Audrina's relationship with Arden, creating tension and uncertainty. Audrina must navigate the complexities of Sylvia's control and uncover the truth behind her motives. Their relationship is marked by power struggles, deceit, and the quest for independence.

Audrina and Billie Lou

Audrina's relationship with her younger sister, Billie Lou, is a source of support and companionship. Billie Lou provides Audrina with moments of joy and a sense of normalcy amidst their troubled family dynamics. Their relationship is characterized by sisterly love, shared experiences, and a desire to protect each other.

Audrina and Aunt Ellsbeth

Audrina's relationship with Aunt Ellsbeth is one of guidance and wisdom. Aunt Ellsbeth serves as a maternal figure, offering Audrina advice and support during difficult times. Her presence provides Audrina with a sense of stability and guidance in the midst of her family's turmoil.

Vera and Damian

Vera's relationship with her father, Damian, is one of manipulation and power. She seeks to control him and maintain her position as his favorite daughter. Vera's actions contribute to the family's secrets and tensions, as she manipulates Damian to further her own agenda.

Vera and Lucietta

Vera's relationship with her mother, Lucietta, is strained and filled with resentment. Vera resents Lucietta for favoring Audrina and seeks to undermine her at every opportunity. Their relationship is marked by jealousy, bitterness, and a constant power struggle.

Arden and Sylvia Lowe

Arden's relationship with his mother, Sylvia Lowe, is one of conflict and control. Sylvia attempts to manipulate Arden's relationship with Audrina, seeking to maintain authority over his life. Their relationship adds tension and obstacles to Arden and Audrina's journey.

Mrs. Bunn and Audrina

Mrs. Bunn's relationship with Audrina is one of support and care. She serves as a motherly figure in Audrina's life, providing a sense of stability and kindness. Mrs. Bunn's presence offers Audrina comfort and guidance in the midst of her family's turmoil.

In conclusion, "My Sweet Audrina" by V.C. Andrews features a diverse cast of characters whose roles, descriptions, traits, backgrounds, character arcs, and relationships contribute to the development of the story. The protagonist, Audrina, faces numerous challenges and undergoes a transformative journey of self-discovery and healing. The presence of characters like Vera, Damian, Lucietta, Arden, Sylvia, Billie Lou, Aunt Ellsbeth, Sylvia Whitefern, and Mrs. Bunn adds depth, conflict, and resolution to Audrina's narrative. Through their interactions and complexities, the characters in this book shape Audrina's path towards understanding her family's secrets and finding her own identity.