My Sweet Audrina
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3.87 / 5

"My Sweet Audrina" Summary

By V.C. Andrews

fiction | 403 pages | Published in NaN

ISBN_13: 9999999999999

Estimated read time: 5 min read

One Sentence Summary

A young girl named Audrina struggles to uncover the dark secrets of her family's past.


In the haunting novel "My Sweet Audrina" by V.C. Andrews, readers are drawn into a dark and twisted world of secrets, lies, and psychological manipulation. This gripping story explores the depths of human vulnerability and the impact of trauma on one young girl's life. With its Gothic atmosphere and complex characters, "My Sweet Audrina" is a mesmerizing tale that will leave readers questioning the nature of identity and the power of memory.

Brief Synopsis

The story is set in the secluded mansion of Whitefern, located in the fictional town of Whitefern, West Virginia. Audrina Adare, the protagonist, is a young girl who lives in the shadow of her deceased older sister, also named Audrina. The first Audrina was tragically raped and murdered in the woods near their home, leaving a legacy that haunts the Adare family.

Audrina is constantly reminded of her sister's beauty and perfection by her controlling father, Damian Adare, and her emotionally distant mother, Lucietta. She is forced to live a life filled with rules and restrictions as her parents try to mold her into a replacement for the first Audrina. Audrina's memories are clouded by gaps and inconsistencies, making it difficult for her to piece together the truth of her past.

As Audrina grows older, she becomes increasingly aware of the web of secrets that surround her. She discovers that her family is hiding a shocking truth about the events leading up to her sister's death and the circumstances of her own birth. With the help of her cousin Vera, Audrina begins to unravel the mysteries of her past and confront the darkness that lurks within her own mind.

Main Characters

Character NameDescription
Audrina AdareThe protagonist, a young girl living in the shadow of her deceased sister. She struggles to uncover the truth about her past.
Damian AdareAudrina's father, a controlling and manipulative man who holds dark secrets about the family.
Lucietta AdareAudrina's mother, a distant and emotionally detached woman who is haunted by her own past.
Vera WhitefernAudrina's cousin and confidante, who helps her navigate the secrets of the Adare family.

Summary of Story Points

Chapters 1-5: The Adare Mansion and Audrina's Childhood

  • Audrina's parents control every aspect of her life, from her clothing to her education.
  • Audrina befriends her cousin Vera, who introduces her to the world beyond Whitefern.
  • Audrina begins to question her memories and the truth about her sister's death.

Chapters 6-10: Secrets and Betrayal

  • Audrina discovers a hidden diary that reveals her father's dark secrets.
  • She confronts her mother about the inconsistencies in her memories.
  • Audrina uncovers a shocking truth about her own birth and the identity of her real father.

Chapters 11-15: Confronting the Past

  • Audrina confronts her father about his lies and manipulation.
  • She learns the truth about the events leading up to her sister's death.
  • Audrina begins to reclaim her own identity and find strength within herself.

Chapters 16-20: Unraveling the Mystery

  • Audrina's memories start to align, and she gains a clearer understanding of her past.
  • She confronts her mother and demands answers about her childhood.
  • Audrina uncovers a shocking betrayal and must decide whether to trust those closest to her.

Main Events

  • Audrina's discovery of her father's hidden diary.
  • Confrontations with her mother and father about the inconsistencies in her memories.
  • The revelation of her true parentage and the circumstances of her birth.
  • Audrina's journey towards self-discovery and reclaiming her own identity.
  • Uncovering the truth about her sister's death and the events leading up to it.
  • Audrina's ultimate confrontation with the dark forces that have shaped her life.

Themes and Insights

  • The destructive power of secrets and the impact they have on individuals and families.
  • The psychological manipulation and control that occurs within dysfunctional families.
  • The struggle for identity and the search for truth in the face of trauma and memory loss.
  • The lasting effects of childhood trauma and the ways in which it shapes individuals' lives.
  • The importance of self-discovery and the journey towards finding one's own voice and independence.

Reader's Takeaway

"My Sweet Audrina" is a gripping and suspenseful novel that delves into the darkest corners of the human psyche. Through Audrina's journey, readers are forced to confront the complexities of family dynamics, the fragility of memory, and the power of resilience. This book serves as a reminder of the importance of self-discovery and the pursuit of truth, even in the face of overwhelming adversity.


V.C. Andrews' "My Sweet Audrina" is a compelling and atmospheric novel that explores the depths of human vulnerability and the lasting impact of trauma. With its complex characters and twisted plot, this book will captivate readers from beginning to end. The themes of identity, secrets, and resilience make "My Sweet Audrina" a thought-provoking read that will stay with readers long after they have turned the final page.

My Sweet Audrina FAQ

  1. What is the genre of 'My Sweet Audrina'?

    The genre of 'My Sweet Audrina' is gothic fiction.

  2. Who is the author of 'My Sweet Audrina'?

    The author of 'My Sweet Audrina' is V.C. Andrews.

  3. When was 'My Sweet Audrina' first published?

    'My Sweet Audrina' was first published in 1982.

  4. What is the main storyline of 'My Sweet Audrina'?

    'My Sweet Audrina' follows the story of Audrina Adare, a young girl who is haunted by the memory of her older sister, who died tragically in the woods near their home.

  5. Is 'My Sweet Audrina' part of a series?

    No, 'My Sweet Audrina' is a standalone novel and not part of a series.

  6. What are some similar books to 'My Sweet Audrina'?

    Some similar books to 'My Sweet Audrina' include 'Flowers in the Attic' and 'The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon'.

  7. Is 'My Sweet Audrina' suitable for young readers?

    No, 'My Sweet Audrina' is not suitable for young readers due to its mature themes and content.

  8. Are there any movie adaptations of 'My Sweet Audrina'?

    Yes, there is a Lifetime television movie adaptation of 'My Sweet Audrina' released in 2016.

  9. Is 'My Sweet Audrina' a romance novel?

    While 'My Sweet Audrina' does have some romantic elements, it is primarily a psychological thriller.

  10. What is the setting of 'My Sweet Audrina'?

    'My Sweet Audrina' is set in the fictional town of Whitefern, West Virginia.