Our Mutual Friend
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"Our Mutual Friend" Quiz

By Charles Dickens

classics | 1222 pages | Published in 1869

ISBN_13: 9788726605693
ISBN_10: 8726605694

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Test your knowledge about the book "Our Mutual Friend". We have come up with 19 quiz questions for the book. Hit play and start testing your knowledge. Each correctly answered question gives one point.

19 questions available

Essay questions

These essay questions are meant to be used as a starting point for your essay or research paper.

  1. Discuss the theme of greed and its impact on the characters in 'Our Mutual Friend'.
  2. Analyze the role of money as a driving force in the novel. How does it shape the characters' actions and relationships?
  3. Explain the significance of the river Thames in the story. How does it symbolize different aspects of the plot and characters' lives?
  4. Compare and contrast the characters of John Harmon and John Rokesmith. How do their identities and motives contribute to the narrative?
  5. Discuss the portrayal of social class and its impact on relationships in the novel. How do characters from different social backgrounds interact with each other?
  6. Analyze the character of Bella Wilfer and her transformation throughout the novel. How does her perspective on wealth and love change over time?
  7. Explore the theme of identity and mistaken identity in 'Our Mutual Friend'. How do misunderstandings and misinterpretations drive the plot?
  8. Discuss the depiction of family dynamics in the novel. How do familial relationships affect the characters' choices and development?
  9. Analyze the character of Eugene Wrayburn and his role in the story. How does his relationship with Lizzie Hexam shape his journey?
  10. Examine the theme of morality and redemption in 'Our Mutual Friend'. How do characters seek forgiveness and atone for their past actions?