Our Mutual Friend
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"Our Mutual Friend" Quotes

By Charles Dickens

classics | 1222 pages | Published in 1869

ISBN_13: 9788726605693
ISBN_10: 8726605694


I don't pretend to keep secrets from my mother.

Charles Dickens

Some of us who chance to be delicate, know how much endurance the human frame is capable of making good.

Charles Dickens

If you go through life without seeing much, the dustiness on the frame, and specks of dry rot, will not trouble you much.

Charles Dickens

Mysteries arise out of close love, as well as out of wide division.

Charles Dickens

As Mr. Fledgeby rolled away from the City in his luxurious brougham, were his meditations set to the music of that popular tune?

Charles Dickens

A touch of anxiety was upon him, and when he paused at the Temple Gate and looked around, he did not like the look of things.

Charles Dickens

Death, your conception misstates my charge. At first you took my young charges, but now you begin to approach the heart of my factory.

Charles Dickens

Day after day, his smiling daughter going up the staircase, and coming down the staircase, and going away, and coming back, and holding Slinky true to the rails, would be a sight to see.

Charles Dickens

It says to every prisoner: 'Peace be with you'. 'Peace be with you', and ten thousand miles away out yonder.

Charles Dickens

I hope this woman may not go to pieces. She has a false air of being a rock on which the breakers dash themselves in vain.

Charles Dickens