Estimated read time: 3 min read

One Sentence Summary

A young girl must navigate a dangerous world outside her isolated village in order to save her family from a deadly disease.


"Running Out of Time" is a captivating novel written by Margaret Peterson Haddix. It follows the story of a young girl, Jessie Keyser, who lives in the 1840s in a village called Clifton. The novel is filled with mystery, adventure, and a unique twist that keeps readers engaged until the very end.

Brief Synopsis

Plot Overview

The story is set in the fictional village of Clifton, where Jessie Keyser lives with her family. The setting mirrors the 1840s, complete with a one-room schoolhouse, horse-drawn carriages, and a close-knit community. However, Jessie's life takes a drastic turn when she discovers a startling secret about her village.

Main Events

In the beginning, Jessie's world seems normal, but strange occurrences start to unfold. Children fall ill with a diphtheria outbreak, and Jessie's mother reveals a shocking truth - Clifton is actually a tourist attraction from the future, and the year is not 1840, but rather 1996. The village is part of a historical reenactment, and the people there are unknowingly living in a controlled environment.

As the plot thickens, Jessie's mother becomes desperate to find help from the outside world. She devises a plan for Jessie to escape the village and seek assistance. Jessie's journey is filled with danger and uncertainty as she ventures into the real 1996, facing a world vastly different from the one she has known.

Main Characters

Jessie KeyserA brave and resourceful young girl who discovers the truth about her village and embarks on a perilous journey.
Mrs. Sarah KeyserJessie's mother, who reveals the truth about Clifton and enlists Jessie to seek help.
Mr. Frank LyleA sympathetic stranger whom Jessie encounters in the real 1996 and who aids her in her quest.

Themes and Insights

The novel delves into themes of deception, survival, and the resilience of the human spirit. It explores the idea of a controlled environment and the ethical implications of manipulating an entire community for the sake of historical reenactment. Additionally, the story touches on the power of knowledge and the courage it takes to confront the unknown.

Reader's Takeaway

Readers will be captivated by the suspenseful and thought-provoking narrative of "Running Out of Time." The novel prompts reflection on the nature of truth, the importance of critical thinking, and the capacity for individuals to adapt and thrive in unexpected circumstances.


Margaret Peterson Haddix's "Running Out of Time" is a compelling blend of historical fiction, mystery, and adventure, offering readers a riveting narrative and thought-provoking themes to ponder. This novel is sure to captivate audiences of all ages with its intriguing premise and engaging storytelling.

Running Out of Time FAQ

  1. What is 'Running Out of Time' about?

    Running Out of Time is a novel about a girl named Jessie who lives in a seemingly 19th-century village. When an outbreak of diphtheria threatens the village, Jessie discovers that she actually lives in a carefully controlled environment and must venture into the real world to find help.

  2. Is 'Running Out of Time' suitable for all ages?

    The book is generally recommended for readers aged 9-12, but older readers can also enjoy the story for its suspense and themes of survival.

  3. Who would enjoy reading 'Running Out of Time'?

    Readers who enjoy mystery, historical fiction, and survival stories would likely enjoy 'Running Out of Time.'

  4. Is 'Running Out of Time' a standalone book or part of a series?

    It is a standalone novel and does not have any direct sequels, although readers may find similar themes in other books by the author.

  5. What are some key themes in 'Running Out of Time'?

    Some key themes in the book include deception, survival, the clash between the past and modern world, and the resilience of the human spirit.

  6. Is 'Running Out of Time' a fast-paced read?

    Yes, the book is known for its fast-paced and suspenseful plot that keeps readers engaged from start to finish.

  7. Does 'Running Out of Time' have any educational value?

    The book can spark discussions about historical time periods, disease outbreaks, and the impact of technology on society, making it a valuable resource for educators.