Sabbath's Theater
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"Sabbath's Theater" Characters Analysis

By Philip Roth

fiction | 496 pages | Published in 2010

ISBN_13: 9781407018638
ISBN_10: 1407018639

Estimated read time: 6 min read

List of Characters:

Below is a list of important characters in "Sabbath's Theater":

Mickey SabbathProtagonist
Drenka BalichLove Interest
RoseannaSister of Mickey Sabbath
Norman CowanFriend of Mickey Sabbath
Matija BalichDrenka's Husband
Morty GilbertTheatrical Agent

Role Identification:

"Mickey Sabbath" is the central character and the protagonist of "Sabbath's Theater." He serves as the lens through which the story is told, and his actions and thoughts drive the narrative forward. Other characters revolve around Mickey, shaping his relationships and providing contrasting perspectives.

Character Descriptions:

Mickey Sabbath:

Mickey Sabbath, a misanthropic and lewd puppeteer, is the complex and morally ambiguous protagonist of the story. He is in his mid-sixties, with disheveled hair, a thinning beard, and a depraved demeanor. Mickey is constantly scheming, meditating on his past and indulging in sexual fantasies. He is stubborn, quick-tempered, and unapologetically hedonistic.

Drenka Balich:

Drenka Balich, the love interest of Mickey, is a beautiful and vibrant woman in her fifties. She possesses an irresistible charm and captivates Mickey with her affectionate nature. Drenka is fiercely independent and seeks emotional connection in relationships.


Roseanna is Mickey's sister, who plays a significant role in his life. She is a devout Catholic and a moral voice of reason, providing a contrast to Mickey's debauched lifestyle. Roseanna is conservative, traditional, and struggles to understand the choices made by her brother.

Norman Cowan:

Norman Cowan is Mickey's adventurous and loyal friend. He serves as a sounding board for Mickey and is often involved in his outrageous escapades. Norman's loyalty is tested as he witnesses Mickey's self-destructive behavior, causing tensions to arise.

Matija Balich:

Matija Balich is Drenka's husband and a respected artist. He is an important secondary character who adds depth to the story. Matija's character serves as a symbol of stability and a moral compass in contrast to Mickey's chaotic nature.

Morty Gilbert:

Morty Gilbert, a theatrical agent, is another key character in the book. He is flamboyant and passionate about the arts, representing a world different from Mickey's. Morty is deeply connected to Mickey through his profession and provides a glimpse into the theatrical world.

Character Traits:

Mickey Sabbath:

  • Hedonistic
  • Obscene
  • Mischievous
  • Sarcastic
  • Irreverent
  • Philosophical

Drenka Balich:

  • Charismatic
  • Independent
  • Sensitive
  • Assertive
  • Compassionate
  • Adventurous


  • Devout
  • Traditional
  • Judgmental
  • Caring
  • Stubborn
  • Conventional

Norman Cowan:

  • Adventurous
  • Loyal
  • Impulsive
  • Non-judgmental
  • Reliable
  • Carefree

Matija Balich:

  • Talented
  • Stable
  • Moral
  • Reflective
  • Patient
  • Empathetic

Morty Gilbert:

  • Flamboyant
  • Artistic
  • Entertaining
  • Ambitious
  • Emotional
  • Supportive

Character Background:

Mickey Sabbath:

Mickey Sabbath was born into a Jewish family in New York City and grew up in a strict household. He rebelled against societal norms throughout his life, choosing unconventional paths and indulging in sexual and hedonistic pleasures. Mickey went on to become a renowned puppeteer but abandoned his art later in life. He grapples with unresolved trauma and relationships, leading him down a destructive path.

Drenka Balich:

Drenka Balich, originally from Eastern Europe, endured a difficult childhood. She later immigrated to the United States, seeking a better life. Drenka found solace in her relationships and embraced her independence. She meets Mickey Sabbath and becomes entangled in a passionate affair with him.


Roseanna, Mickey's sister, grew up with him in the same strict household. Unlike Mickey, she adhered to societal norms, finding solace and purpose in her Catholic faith. Roseanna serves as a moral anchor for Mickey but struggles to understand his unconventional lifestyle choices.

Norman Cowan:

Norman Cowan is a childhood friend of Mickey Sabbath. He had a more conventional upbringing than Mickey but shares his adventurous spirit. Norman leads a carefree life and becomes a companion to Mickey, participating in his debauched escapades.

Matija Balich:

Matija Balich, Drenka's artist husband, is a respected painter. He met Drenka during his travels and fell in love with her independent nature. Matija is supportive, empathetic, and becomes an integral part of Drenka and Mickey's complex relationship.

Morty Gilbert:

Morty Gilbert is a theatrical agent who is drawn to Mickey's artistic talents. He lives a flamboyant and ambitious life, representing the vibrant world of performing arts. Morty becomes an important character in Mickey's story, providing support and insight from the theatrical realm.

Character Arcs:

Mickey Sabbath:

Mickey Sabbath's character develops through a series of self-destructive behaviors, introspection, and grappling with his past. His initial hedonistic and rebellious nature gives way to moments of vulnerability and self-reflection. Sabbath's journey explores themes of guilt, regret, and the search for redemption.

Drenka Balich:

Drenka's character arc showcases her transition from a free-spirited woman entangled in passionate affairs to a more introspective and self-discovering individual. Through her relationship with Mickey, she confronts her own desires, explores her independence, and seeks emotional fulfillment.


Mickey Sabbath and Drenka Balich:

Mickey and Drenka's relationship forms the heart of the story. Their connection oscillates between passionate love, jealousy, and destructive tendencies. Drenka becomes Mickey's muse and obsession, leading to both intense emotional moments and moments of despair.

Mickey Sabbath and Roseanna:

Roseanna and Mickey share a complex sibling relationship. Roseanna serves as the moral counterpoint to Mickey's depravity. Their interactions underscore the tension between conventionality and rebellion.

Mickey Sabbath and Norman Cowan:

Norman Cowan serves as Mickey's loyal friend throughout the novel, joining him in his debauched adventures. Their friendship showcases their shared thirst for adventure and their contrasting approaches to life.

Mickey Sabbath and Matija Balich:

Mickey's relationship with Matija Balich is complicated. Matija represents stability and moral restraint, contrasting with Mickey's hedonistic nature. Their complex dynamic reveals unresolved emotions, jealousy, and the exploration of different life choices.

In "Sabbath's Theater," Philip Roth intricately weaves the lives, relationships, and character arcs of Mickey Sabbath and the other key characters. Through their interactions, Roth explores themes of unconventional lifestyles, self-reflection, and the pursuit of emotional fulfillment against a backdrop of guilt, regret, and the complexities of human nature.