Sabbath's Theater
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"Sabbath's Theater" Quotes

By Philip Roth

fiction | 496 pages | Published in 2010

ISBN_13: 9781407018638
ISBN_10: 1407018639


He hated people who thought too much. At that moment, if he could have slippered the mind of the dog he would have traded the dog for his life of regrets, for his knapsack full of dissipations, for only having half-realized anything, for having felt so much passionate love, in every way, and for his (without benefit of luncheon, do not forget) awaiting inheritance – the long spreads of stone and grass which lay beyond the church steps, beyond the long steep buttonhooks of streets and highways and roads running through Pennsylvania.

Philip Roth

The men who really believe in their philosophy are no match for a person with a cause.

Philip Roth

For twenty grand per month I could sit in a cell with a hooker, rent my stocking and stain my trouser seat and die with my dick hard.

Philip Roth

For whatever its worth, TV lacks beauty – it’s too damn human. If you want a good show, you need a few dead people.

Philip Roth

Death is the most likely theoretical alternative to being alive.

Philip Roth

No matter how good you are to some people, they'll still find something to bitch about.

Philip Roth

Somebody I use to know loved to claim that it is as easy to undress a woman in a cab as it is to get women into it. Trashy, truistic, insidious as well – how could it not have been?

Philip Roth

Most people don't know that many profound things, you know.

Philip Roth

You hate the world. You exist in it, but you hate it.

Philip Roth

I was very malleable then. They could shape you all around. In fact, I'm glad I had a formative period. If you're handed a gun when you're five years old, it's most likely that you'll continue killing people all your life.

Philip Roth