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"The BFG" Characters Analysis

By Roald Dahl

fantasy | 199 pages | Published in 1982

ISBN_13: 9780141311371

Estimated read time: 5 min read

List of Characters

The BFGProtagonist
The BloodbottlerAntagonist
The FleshlumpeaterAntagonist
The Queen of EnglandSupporting Character

Role Identification


The BFG, short for the Big Friendly Giant, is the protagonist of the story. He is a kind and gentle giant who captures dreams and delivers them to children.


Sophie is also a protagonist and the main human character in the book. She befriends the BFG and helps him in his quest to stop the other giants from terrorizing children.

The Bloodbottler and The Fleshlumpeater

These two giants serve as the antagonists in the story. They are much larger and more fearsome than the BFG and pose a threat to both him and Sophie.

The Queen of England

The Queen of England plays a supporting role in the story, providing assistance to the BFG and Sophie in their mission to stop the giants.

Character Descriptions


The BFG is a tall and slender giant with enormous ears and kind, gentle eyes. He speaks in a unique and endearing manner, using a mix of jumbled words and nonsensical phrases.


Sophie is a small, brave, and curious girl with a strong sense of justice. After being whisked away to Giant Country by the BFG, she quickly proves herself to be resourceful and quick-witted.

The Bloodbottler and The Fleshlumpeater

The Bloodbottler and The Fleshlumpeater are both menacing and brutish giants who bully the BFG and pose a serious threat to the safety of children.

The Queen of England

The Queen is portrayed as a regal and benevolent figure, with a keen interest in helping the BFG and Sophie thwart the other giants.

Character Traits


The BFG is characterized by his kindness, compassion, and unwavering dedication to protecting children. He is also shown to be somewhat naive and simple-minded due to his isolation from other giants.


Sophie is brave, intelligent, and compassionate. She exhibits remarkable courage and resourcefulness, especially when confronting the dangerous giants.

The Bloodbottler and The Fleshlumpeater

The Bloodbottler and The Fleshlumpeater are both cruel, menacing, and ruthless, with a penchant for terrorizing and devouring human children.

The Queen of England

The Queen is depicted as wise, open-minded, and empathetic, demonstrating a willingness to believe and support the unlikely tale presented by the BFG and Sophie.

Character Background


The BFG is the only friendly giant among a group of man-eating giants. He lives a solitary life, capturing and delivering dreams to children while avoiding the company of the other giants.


Sophie is an orphan who lives in an orphanage, where she encounters the BFG one fateful night. Her unhappy circumstances make her especially sympathetic to the BFG's mission to protect children.

The Bloodbottler and The Fleshlumpeater

Little is revealed about the backgrounds of these two giants, other than their insatiable appetite for human flesh and their brutal treatment of the BFG.

The Queen of England

As the monarch of England, the Queen's background and character are based on her real-life role. In the story, she is portrayed as a powerful yet compassionate leader.

Character Arcs


Throughout the story, the BFG undergoes a transformation from a timid and isolated figure to a brave and determined hero. His friendship with Sophie and his interactions with the Queen help him find the courage to confront the other giants.


Sophie experiences significant personal growth, evolving from a lonely orphan to a courageous and resourceful young girl. Her friendship with the BFG and her interactions with the Queen empower her to take on the giants.

The Bloodbottler and The Fleshlumpeater

The antagonistic giants do not undergo significant character arcs. They remain cruel and menacing until the climax of the story, where they face the repercussions of their actions.

The Queen of England

The Queen's character remains consistent throughout the story, serving as a supportive and influential ally to the BFG and Sophie.


The BFG and Sophie

The bond between the BFG and Sophie is central to the story. Their friendship is built on trust, mutual respect, and a shared mission to protect children from the other giants.

The BFG and The Bloodbottler/The Fleshlumpeater

The BFG's relationship with the antagonistic giants is defined by fear and a history of bullying and intimidation. The BFG seeks to protect himself and others from their malevolent actions.

Sophie and The Queen of England

Sophie's relationship with the Queen is based on mutual admiration and a shared desire to address the threat posed by the giants. The Queen's willingness to listen to Sophie's account demonstrates her trust in the young girl.

In conclusion, "The BFG" features a diverse cast of characters whose interactions drive the narrative forward. From the endearing friendship between the BFG and Sophie to the menacing presence of the other giants, each character contributes to the rich tapestry of the story. Through their distinct roles, traits, backgrounds, and relationships, they collectively create a captivating and memorable literary experience.