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"The BFG" Quiz

By Roald Dahl

fantasy | 199 pages | Published in 1982

ISBN_13: 9780141311371

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Test your knowledge about the book "The BFG". We have come up with 10 quiz questions for the book. Hit play and start testing your knowledge. Each correctly answered question gives one point.

10 questions available

Essay questions

These essay questions are meant to be used as a starting point for your essay or research paper.

  1. How does the BFG's use of language and speech contribute to his characterization?
  2. Discuss the significance of dreams in 'The BFG' and how they impact the plot and characters.
  3. In what ways does the BFG challenge traditional ideas of giants in literature?
  4. Explore the theme of friendship in 'The BFG' and how it develops throughout the story.
  5. What role does the setting play in 'The BFG' and how does it contribute to the overall atmosphere of the story?
  6. Discuss the portrayal of courage and bravery in the novel, focusing on the actions of the BFG and Sophie.
  7. How does Roald Dahl use humor and wit to engage readers in 'The BFG'?