The Client
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4.02 / 5

"The Client" Summary

By John Grisham

fiction | 483 pages | Published in NaN

ISBN_13: 9780385339087

Estimated read time: 5 min read

One Sentence Summary

An eleven-year-old boy seeks legal help after witnessing a suicide, putting him in the crosshairs of the FBI and the Mob.


"The Client" by John Grisham is a legal thriller that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. It's a story about an eleven-year-old boy who accidentally witnesses a lawyer's suicide and finds himself caught in the middle of a dangerous web of secrets and lies. The book explores themes of justice, family, and the power dynamics within the legal system, and it offers a gripping portrayal of the lengths to which individuals will go to protect their own interests.

Brief Synopsis

Plot Overview

"The Client" is set in Memphis, Tennessee, where an eleven-year-old boy, Mark Sway, and his younger brother, witness the suicide of a lawyer, Jerome Clifford. Before taking his own life, Clifford confides in Mark about a terrible secret: the location of the body of a recently murdered United States Senator. This places Mark in the crosshairs of both the FBI and the Mafia, as they both want to know the Senator's final resting place.


The story takes place in Memphis, Tennessee, a city known for its rich musical heritage and its complex history of racial tensions. The setting plays a significant role in the novel, as it reflects the cultural and social backdrop against which the events unfold.

Main Characters

Here are the main characters in "The Client" and brief descriptions of each:

Mark SwayAn eleven-year-old boy who becomes entangled in a dangerous web of secrets and lies.
Reggie LoveA feisty attorney who represents Mark and becomes deeply involved in his case.
Roy FoltriggA zealous and ambitious U.S. Attorney determined to extract information from Mark at any cost.
Barry MuldannoA ruthless member of the mob who is willing to go to any lengths to uncover the Senator's body.

Story Points over Chapters

Chapters 1-5: A Fateful Encounter

Mark Sway and his brother, Ricky, stumble upon Jerome Clifford, a lawyer who is about to take his own life. Before doing so, Clifford reveals to Mark the location of the body of a murdered U.S. Senator.

Chapters 6-10: The FBI and the Mafia

Both the FBI and the Mafia become aware of Mark's knowledge, and they each seek to gain leverage over him to uncover the Senator's body.

Mark seeks legal representation and is eventually put in touch with Reggie Love, a tough and determined attorney who agrees to represent him.

Chapters 16-20: A Dangerous Game

As Mark and Reggie navigate the legal complexities, they continue to be pursued by both the authorities and the mob, leading to high-stakes confrontations and dangerous situations.

Chapters 21-25: Unraveling the Truth

Mark and Reggie work tirelessly to protect Mark and uncover the truth about the Senator's murder, all while attempting to outmaneuver the FBI and the Mafia.

Main Events

The main events in "The Client" include Mark's accidental encounter with Jerome Clifford, his subsequent entanglement with both the FBI and the Mafia, and the legal battles that ensue as he and Reggie fight to protect him from the dangerous forces seeking to manipulate and exploit him.

Themes and Insights


  • Justice and Morality: The novel explores the complexities of seeking justice and doing what is right, even in the face of powerful and dangerous adversaries.
  • Family and Loyalty: The importance of family and loyalty is a recurring theme, as Mark's desire to protect his brother and his mother drives many of his actions.
  • Corruption and Power: The book delves into the corrupting influence of power, as both the FBI and the Mafia pursue their own agendas at the expense of Mark's well-being.


"The Client" offers insights into the legal system, the ethical dilemmas faced by attorneys, and the often ruthless tactics employed by law enforcement and criminal organizations. It also provides a thought-provoking exploration of the impact of traumatic events on young individuals and the resilience of the human spirit.

Reader's Takeaway

Readers of "The Client" are in for a thrilling ride through the dark underbelly of the legal world, as they follow Mark's harrowing journey to protect himself and his family from powerful and sinister forces. The novel offers a compelling blend of suspense, moral dilemmas, and the resilience of the human spirit, making it a gripping and thought-provoking read.


"The Client" by John Grisham is a masterful legal thriller that captivates readers with its high-stakes drama, complex characters, and intricate exploration of justice, power, and morality. It's a story that will leave readers on the edge of their seats until the very last page, and a testament to Grisham's talent for crafting gripping and thought-provoking narratives.

The Client FAQ

  1. What is the genre of 'The Client'?

    The genre of 'The Client' is legal thriller.

  2. Who is the author of 'The Client'?

    John Grisham is the author of 'The Client'.

  3. What is the main plot of 'The Client'?

    The main plot of 'The Client' revolves around an eleven-year-old boy who becomes the target of both the FBI and the Mafia after witnessing a lawyer's suicide.

  4. Is 'The Client' part of a series?

    'The Client' is not part of a series, but it is set in the same universe as some of John Grisham's other novels.

  5. What are the major themes in 'The Client'?

    Some of the major themes in 'The Client' include justice, loyalty, the legal system, and the impact of crime on children.