The Devil and Miss Prym
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"The Devil and Miss Prym" Quotes

By Paulo Coelho

fiction | 224 pages | Published in 2005

ISBN_13: 9780007379927
ISBN_10: 0007379927


You can only move on, if you accept that you can't go back.

Paulo Coelho

Fear is the worst kind of thief; it steals your opportunities.

Paulo Coelho

Evil only exists because good people do nothing.

Paulo Coelho

In the battle between fate and free will, the outcome depends on our choices.

Paulo Coelho

Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that.

Paulo Coelho

The greatest power lies in our ability to forgive.

Paulo Coelho

Sometimes, the most courageous act is to trust others.

Paulo Coelho

What you seek is within you, not in the hands of others.

Paulo Coelho

Hate is a burden that consumes those who carry it.

Paulo Coelho

Love is not a weakness, but the greatest strength one can possess.

Paulo Coelho