Estimated read time: 6 min read

One Sentence Summary

The Dovekeepers by Alice Hoffman: A historical novel that follows the intertwined lives of four extraordinary women during the siege of Masada.


"The Dovekeepers" is a historical novel written by Alice Hoffman, which was published in 2011. The story is based on the siege of Masada, a mountain fortress in the Judean desert, and is set in ancient Israel. The novel weaves together the lives of four extraordinary women who are bound together during a tumultuous period in history. Through their unique perspectives and experiences, the author explores themes of survival, love, and the resilience of the human spirit.

Brief Synopsis

The plot of "The Dovekeepers" unfolds in ancient Israel, primarily in the year 70 CE, during the Roman siege of the mountain fortress of Masada. The novel is divided into four parts, each narrated by one of the main characters: Yael, Revka, Aziza, and Shirah.

The story begins with the women's journey to Masada, where they seek refuge and safety. As they settle into their new lives, they form a tight-knit community, each facing their own personal struggles and challenges. The narrative follows their individual experiences, their relationships, and the events leading up to the fateful siege.


The story is primarily set in the ancient mountain fortress of Masada, located in the Judean desert. The historical backdrop of ancient Israel during the Roman occupation provides a rich and evocative setting for the novel. The harsh and unforgiving landscape of the desert, juxtaposed with the intricacies of daily life within the fortress, serves as a compelling backdrop for the characters' experiences.

Main Characters

The novel's main characters are four women, each with her own unique backstory and perspective:

YaelA young woman who is the daughter of a renowned assassin and possesses a deep connection with doves.
RevkaA resilient and grieving woman who has lost her entire family to a brutal massacre.
AzizaA fiercely independent and skilled warrior who disguises herself as a man to protect her identity.
ShirahA mysterious and enigmatic woman, known for her knowledge of ancient traditions and healing arts.

Summary of Each Part

Part One: Yael

Yael, the daughter of a renowned assassin, arrives at Masada with her maternal grandparents. She is determined to seek revenge for the violent deaths of her family members, and she finds solace in the care of the doves in the fortress.

Part Two: Revka

Revka, a grieving woman who has lost her husband and two of her sons, struggles to come to terms with her losses. She forms a bond with Yael and her grandparents, finding a sense of family and belonging in their presence.

Part Three: Aziza

Aziza, a skilled warrior, disguises herself as a man to protect her identity and becomes a part of the Zealots at Masada. She forms a forbidden romantic relationship with another warrior, and her loyalty and bravery are put to the test.

Part Four: Shirah

Shirah, a woman known for her mystical knowledge and healing abilities, takes Yael under her wing and teaches her the art of healing. She also grapples with her own personal history and the complexities of her relationships within the community.

Main Events

The novel is rich with significant events that shape the lives of the characters and the fate of Masada:

  • The arrival of the women at Masada and their efforts to establish a new life.
  • The formation of deep bonds and relationships among the characters.
  • The Roman siege of Masada and the impending threat it poses to the community.
  • The personal trials and sacrifices made by each woman in the face of adversity.
  • The ultimate fate of the fortress and its inhabitants.

Themes and Insights


  • Survival: The novel explores the resilience and determination of the characters as they navigate the challenges of life in a besieged fortress.
  • Love and Loss: The theme of love, both familial and romantic, is woven throughout the narrative, along with the profound impact of loss on the characters' lives.
  • Identity and Empowerment: The characters grapple with issues of identity, gender, and personal agency in a society marked by conflict and hardship.
  • Spirituality and Mysticism: The novel delves into themes of mysticism, ancient traditions, and the power of faith in the face of adversity.


  • The novel provides a glimpse into the lives of women in ancient Israel, shedding light on their roles, strengths, and challenges within a patriarchal society.
  • Through the characters' experiences, the novel offers insights into the human capacity for resilience, compassion, and the pursuit of justice in the face of overwhelming odds.

Reader's Takeaway

"The Dovekeepers" offers readers a powerful and poignant portrayal of the lives of four extraordinary women during a tumultuous period in history. The novel delves into themes of survival, love, and the indomitable strength of the human spirit. Through rich storytelling and evocative narrative, readers are transported to a world of ancient Israel, where the characters' journeys unfold against the backdrop of a besieged fortress.


In "The Dovekeepers," Alice Hoffman masterfully weaves together the lives of four women, offering a compelling portrayal of their individual struggles and triumphs within the ancient fortress of Masada. The novel's evocative setting, rich character development, and exploration of timeless themes make it a captivating and thought-provoking read. Through the lens of history and fiction, the novel leaves a lasting impression, resonating with readers long after the final pages are turned.

The Dovekeepers FAQ

  1. What is the genre of 'The Dovekeepers'?

    The genre of 'The Dovekeepers' is historical fiction.

  2. Who is the author of 'The Dovekeepers'?

    The author of 'The Dovekeepers' is Alice Hoffman.

  3. What is the setting of 'The Dovekeepers'?

    The setting of 'The Dovekeepers' is ancient Israel, particularly Masada.

  4. What is the book about?

    The book follows the lives of four extraordinary women who come together during the siege of Masada. It explores their struggles, sacrifices, and the enduring power of their faith and love.

  5. Is 'The Dovekeepers' based on a true story?

    Yes, 'The Dovekeepers' is inspired by the historical events at the ancient fortress of Masada.