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Grace does not depend on what we have done for God but rather what God has done for us.

Philip Yancey

The fact that Jesus was willing to suffer, die, and be rejected shows that he values us, that we have worth to him.

Philip Yancey

The presence of Christ in the world is due to the presence of Christians in the world.

Philip Yancey

The Bible includes so much about Jesus because he is the only one who can solve our deepest human dilemma.

Philip Yancey

Jesus' teachings are not a set of arbitrary rules, but rather a guide for living life as God intended.

Philip Yancey

Jesus valued children and treated them as important, sending a message about the value of all people.

Philip Yancey

God is present in our suffering, not just as a distant spectator, but as a suffering participant.

Philip Yancey

The kingdom of God is not about power and control, but rather about serving and caring for others.

Philip Yancey

Jesus' life and death reveal a God who is willing to suffer and die to redeem and restore humanity.

Philip Yancey

Jesus' interactions with women challenged the cultural norms of his time and showed value and respect for all people.

Philip Yancey