
Memory is the only thing that binds your life together. The rest drifts in a stream of unimportant people and incidents, and upon such as these, a man may draw the line of oblivion.

Rebecca West

I had never seen a man who looked as much like a savior. And no doubt if I had found him in any other place than this I should have been a little afraid of him.

Rebecca West

There are moments when one feels free from one's own identification with human limitations and inadequacies. At such moments, one imagines that one stands on some spot of a small planet, gazing in amazement at the cold yet profoundly moving beauty of the eternal, the unfathomable; life and death flow into one, and there is neither evolution nor destiny; only being.

Rebecca West

I cannot keep it out of my mind that a man so engaging, so entertaining, so well informed, should have been so low down in my esteem.

Rebecca West

It was not very long before I began to wonder why I had ever hated him.

Rebecca West

One could turn his back on the world, but one couldn't turn his back on his own nature.

Rebecca West

He has no story to tell, none of us have, but our lives are little stories, and the tale is not so often in the telling as in the living.

Rebecca West

It is a cruel, ironical thing that he was not more to me, and I to him, for we have lived such an eternity together, and I never knew.

Rebecca West

The trouble with everyone is that they're not just a piece of paper with a date written on it. They're what they've been every day of their lives.

Rebecca West

It is possible to love people very much and think them ridiculous.

Rebecca West