Estimated read time: 5 min read

One Sentence Summary

A soldier suffering from amnesia returns home to find his wife has been replaced in his heart by a woman from his past.


"The Return of the Soldier" is a compelling novella written by Rebecca West, originally published in 1918. Set during World War I, the story delves into themes of memory, love, and the impact of war on the human psyche. Through its poignant narrative, West offers a profound exploration of the complexities of human emotions and the enduring effects of trauma.

Brief Synopsis

Plot Overview

"The Return of the Soldier" unfolds in the English countryside during World War I. The protagonist, Christopher Baldry, is a soldier who returns home suffering from amnesia. He is unable to recall the past 15 years of his life, including his marriage to his wife, Kitty. Instead, he remembers his first love, Margaret, and the idyllic pre-war period when they were together. As Christopher's memory loss and delusion deepen, the three characters find themselves entangled in a poignant and emotionally charged conflict.


The novel is primarily set in Baldry Court, the country estate belonging to Christopher and Kitty. The tranquility of the rural surroundings forms a sharp contrast to the turmoil experienced by the characters, reflecting the inner emotional landscapes of the protagonists.

Main Characters

Here are the main characters in "The Return of the Soldier" and brief descriptions of each:

Christopher BaldryThe protagonist suffering from amnesia due to the war, he longs for his lost love, Margaret.
Kitty BaldryChristopher's wife, who struggles to cope with her husband's memory loss and the resurgence of his past affections.
Margaret GreyChristopher's cousin who represents his idealized past, she is deeply affected by his amnesia and the subsequent emotional turmoil.

Summary of Story Points Over Chapters

Chapter 1

Christopher Baldry's cousin, Jenny, narrates the story of Christopher's return from the front. His memory loss, which erases his marriage to Kitty and replaces it with memories of Margaret, is revealed.

Chapter 2

Kitty and Margaret meet to discuss Christopher's condition, and Margaret is introduced to the reader through Kitty's perspective.

Chapter 3

The dynamic between Kitty, Margaret, and Christopher is further explored, shedding light on the emotional tensions and conflicts arising from Christopher's amnesia.

Chapter 4

The relationships between the characters become more strained as Christopher's condition worsens, leading to a climax of emotional turmoil and revelations.

Main Events

  • Christopher returns from the war with amnesia, leading to a psychological and emotional struggle for all characters involved.
  • The conflict intensifies as Christopher's delusions and longing for his past love, Margaret, deeply affect Kitty and Margaret.
  • The resolution of the story culminates in a poignant and bittersweet denouement, as the characters confront the irreparable impact of the war on their lives and relationships.

Themes and Insights


  1. Memory and Identity: The novel explores the fragility of memory and its profound impact on one's sense of self and relationships.
  2. Love and Longing: The enduring power of love and longing is a central theme, as the characters grapple with unrequited emotions and the yearning for an idealized past.
  3. War and Trauma: The backdrop of World War I serves as a catalyst for the characters' emotional turmoil, highlighting the lasting effects of war on the human psyche.


  • West's portrayal of amnesia and its effects offers insights into the complexities of human memory and the subconscious.
  • The novel provides a poignant commentary on the transformative power of love and its ability to transcend temporal and psychological barriers.
  • Through the characters' experiences, West illuminates the profound psychological scars left by war and the resulting dissonance between past and present.

Reader's Takeaway

"The Return of the Soldier" offers readers a poignant and introspective exploration of memory, love, and the enduring impact of war. Through its evocative narrative and well-drawn characters, the novella invites readers to contemplate the complexities of human emotions and the indelible marks left by trauma. Rebecca West's compelling storytelling and insightful portrayal of the human psyche make this a thought-provoking and emotionally resonant read.


Rebecca West's "The Return of the Soldier" stands as a timeless work that continues to captivate readers with its poignant exploration of memory, love, and the profound effects of war. Through its enduring themes and rich character dynamics, the novella offers a compelling narrative that resonates with readers across generations, inviting introspection and contemplation of the human experience.

The Return of the Soldier FAQ

  1. What is the genre of 'The Return of the Soldier'?

    The genre of 'The Return of the Soldier' is a classic novel, often categorized as historical fiction and psychological fiction.

  2. Who is the author of 'The Return of the Soldier'?

    The author of 'The Return of the Soldier' is Rebecca West, a renowned British author and journalist.

  3. What is the setting of 'The Return of the Soldier'?

    The novel is set during World War I in England, providing a backdrop of the societal and emotional impact of the war.

  4. What is the central theme of 'The Return of the Soldier'?

    The central theme of 'The Return of the Soldier' revolves around memory, trauma, and the effects of war on individuals and relationships.

  5. Who are the main characters in 'The Return of the Soldier'?

    The main characters in the novel include Captain Chris Baldry, his wife Kitty, his cousin Jenny, and a woman named Margaret who becomes central to the plot.