The Untouchable
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"The Untouchable" Quiz

By John Banville

fiction | 384 pages | Published in 2009

ISBN_13: 9780307560926
ISBN_10: 0307560929

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Test your knowledge about the book "The Untouchable". We have come up with 19 quiz questions for the book. Hit play and start testing your knowledge. Each correctly answered question gives one point.

19 questions available

Essay questions

These essay questions are meant to be used as a starting point for your essay or research paper.

  1. How does the character of Victor Maskell in 'The Untouchable' challenge traditional notions of loyalty and betrayal?
  2. In what ways does the narrative structure of the book contribute to the exploration of Victor Maskell's complex identity?
  3. Discuss the significance of art and aesthetics in 'The Untouchable' and its impact on Victor Maskell's life.
  4. How does Victor Maskell's homosexuality influence his relationships and interactions with others throughout the story?
  5. What role does the historical context of the Cambridge Spy Ring play in 'The Untouchable'? How does it shape the characters' motivations and actions?
  6. Analyze the portrayal of espionage and the intelligence community in 'The Untouchable'. How does the author depict the tension between personal loyalties and national security?
  7. Examine the significance of secrets and hidden identities in 'The Untouchable' and their impact on the characters' lives and relationships.
  8. Discuss the theme of betrayal in 'The Untouchable'. How do different characters navigate the moral complexities of their actions?
  9. Explore the role of unreliable narration in 'The Untouchable'. How does this narrative technique contribute to the overall themes and character development?
  10. Analyze the portrayal of power and corruption in 'The Untouchable'. How do the characters navigate the intricate web of political and personal power dynamics?