The Untouchable
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"The Untouchable" Summary

By John Banville

fiction | 384 pages | Published in 2009

ISBN_13: 9780307560926
ISBN_10: 0307560929

Estimated read time: 6 min read

One Sentence Summary

A former spy reflects on his life as a double agent during the Cold War.


In this book summary, we will delve into "The Untouchable" by John Banville. Published in 1997, this gripping novel takes readers on a journey through the intriguing life of Victor Maskell, a charismatic figure in the British art world who has a hidden past as a Soviet spy during the Cold War. Banville's masterful storytelling, richly drawn characters, and complex themes make "The Untouchable" a must-read for any literary enthusiast.

Brief Synopsis

"The Untouchable" is set in the 1960s and 1970s and primarily unfolds in London, England. The story is told through the eyes of the protagonist, Victor Maskell, a bisexual art historian and former member of the Cambridge Spy Ring.

The novel opens with Maskell living in exile in ruins, shunned by society, and forced to confront the consequences of his espionage activities. Maskell reflects on his youth and his involvement in Cold War espionage, providing glimpses into his early life and the reasons behind his treasonous behavior.

As the plot progresses, Maskell becomes entangled in a murder investigation. The victim is his friend, a fellow Soviet spy known as Edward. Maskell must navigate a treacherous and convoluted world of espionage, shifting loyalties, and dangerous secrets, all while grappling with his own personal demons.

Main Events

  1. Introduction of Victor Maskell: The novel introduces Victor Maskell, a distinguished art historian, lecturer, and former Soviet spy. Maskell's double life as a spy and his motivations for betraying his country are slowly unraveled.
  2. Maskell's Spy Ring: The story delves into Maskell's past as a member of the Cambridge Spy Ring, a group of British intellectuals who operated as Soviet agents during the Cold War. We learn about his relationships with other spies, such as Anthony Blunt and Guy Burgess.
  3. Exile and Mortality: After his exposure as a spy, Maskell finds himself alienated from the world he once knew. He lives in a decaying house and struggles with his fading health. Throughout the novel, mortality and the fleeting nature of life are recurring themes.
  4. Murder and Investigation: The murder of Edward brings Maskell out of his self-imposed seclusion. He becomes entangled in a murder investigation, weaving through a complex network of suspects and hidden agendas. Maskell must confront his past and confront the truth about the people he once trusted.
  5. Self-Reflection and Redemption: As the story progresses, Maskell reflects on his life choices and experiences guilt and shame for his actions as a spy. The novel explores themes of redemption and the possibility of finding meaning and forgiveness in a life marred by deceit and betrayal.

Main Characters

Character NameDescription
Victor MaskellThe protagonist and former Soviet spy. Maskell is a charming art historian with a hidden past who grapples with the consequences of his espionage activities.
EdwardA fellow Soviet spy and Maskell's friend. Edward's murder propels the plot forward and forces Maskell to confront the secrets of his past.
Anthony BluntA prominent art historian and member of the Cambridge Spy Ring. Blunt's character is based on a real-life figure who was later exposed as a Soviet spy.
Guy BurgessAnother member of the Cambridge Spy Ring, known for his flamboyant lifestyle and volatile personality. Burgess's actions have lasting effects on Maskell's life.
Bunny GilesMaskell's close friend and confidante. Bunny is an art dealer and plays a significant role in Maskell's life, providing support and friendship throughout the narrative.

Themes and Insights

1. Loyalty and Betrayal: "The Untouchable" explores the complex themes of loyalty and betrayal, particularly through the lens of espionage. Maskell's role as a Soviet spy involves constant deception and the betrayal of his country. The novel delves into the implications of such betrayal and the impact it has on personal relationships.

2. Art and Deception: As an art historian, Maskell is deeply involved in the art world. Banville skillfully weaves art and deception throughout the narrative, drawing parallels between the manipulation of art and the craft of espionage. The novel highlights the ways in which both art and espionage can be used to conceal truth or manipulate perceptions.

3. Identity and Authenticity: With his double life as a spy, Maskell grapples with issues of identity and authenticity. He struggles with the question of who he truly is and whether he can ever truly escape the past. The novel explores the theme of self-discovery and the search for one's true self amidst a life filled with deception.

4. Morality and Consequences: "The Untouchable" delves into the moral dilemmas faced by its characters. It raises questions about the line between right and wrong, the consequences of one's actions, and the weight of guilt. The novel prompts readers to consider the far-reaching effects of choices made in the name of ideology or personal gain.

Reader's Takeaway

"The Untouchable" is a captivating exploration of espionage and the complexities of human nature. Banville's elegant prose and meticulous characterization make for a compelling reading experience. This novel forces readers to question their own preconceptions about loyalty, betrayal, and the blurred boundaries of morality. It offers a profound reflection on the consequences of choices made in pursuit of one's ideals and the redemptive power of self-reflection.


In "The Untouchable," John Banville delivers a literary masterpiece that seamlessly blends historical events with fiction. The novel takes readers into the intriguing world of espionage, moral ambiguity, and the profound experiences of its complex characters. With its richly drawn narrative and thought-provoking themes, "The Untouchable" is a book that will leave a lasting impact on readers long after they turn the final page.

The Untouchable FAQ

  1. What is 'The Untouchable' about?

    'The Untouchable' is a novel written by John Banville. It is a fictionalized account of the life of Victor Maskell, a British art historian and spy.

  2. Who is the author of 'The Untouchable'?

    The author of 'The Untouchable' is John Banville.

  3. Is 'The Untouchable' based on a true story?

    'The Untouchable' is a work of fiction, but it is inspired by real historical events and figures.

  4. What genre does 'The Untouchable' belong to?

    'The Untouchable' is classified as a historical fiction novel.

  5. What is the setting of 'The Untouchable'?

    'The Untouchable' is primarily set in London, with the backdrop of the Cold War era.

  6. Is 'The Untouchable' part of a series?

    'The Untouchable' is a standalone novel and is not part of a series.

  7. Is 'The Untouchable' suitable for young readers?

    'The Untouchable' is intended for adult readers due to its mature themes and content.

  8. Are there any film adaptations of 'The Untouchable'?

    As of now, there have been no film adaptations of 'The Untouchable.'

  9. What is the reception of 'The Untouchable'?

    'The Untouchable' has received critical acclaim, with praise for its writing style, complex characters, and historical depth.

  10. Where can I purchase a copy of 'The Untouchable'?

    You can purchase a copy of 'The Untouchable' from various online retailers or visit your local bookstore.