Three Comrades
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"Three Comrades" Characters Analysis

By Erich Maria Remarque

classics | 496 pages | Published in NaN

ISBN_13: 9780449912423

Estimated read time: 5 min read

List of Characters

Character NameRole
Robert LohkampProtagonist
Otto KösterProtagonist
Gottfried LenzProtagonist
Patrice HollmannSupporting Character
Hella SombertSupporting Character
KameradenSupporting Characters

Role Identification

In the novel "Three Comrades" by Erich Maria Remarque, the main characters are three war veterans, Robert Lohkamp, Otto Köster, and Gottfried Lenz. They form a close bond and navigate the challenges of post-war Germany together. The story revolves around their experiences, struggles, and relationships.

Character Descriptions

Robert Lohkamp

Robert Lohkamp is the protagonist of the novel. He is a sensitive and introspective character who served as an officer during World War I. Lohkamp is haunted by his past experiences and suffers from physical and emotional scars. He is described as a thoughtful and compassionate person who is deeply affected by the injustices he witnesses in post-war Germany.

Otto Köster

Otto Köster is one of the three comrades and a close friend of Lohkamp. He is a skilled mechanic and a pragmatic character who often serves as a source of practical advice for his friends. Despite his tough exterior, Köster is a loyal and caring individual who supports his comrades through their hardships.

Gottfried Lenz

Gottfried Lenz is another comrade of Lohkamp and Köster. He is portrayed as a jovial and optimistic character who tries to find joy in life despite the difficulties he faces. Lenz is a talented artist and dreams of becoming a painter. He provides a sense of lightness and hope amidst the darker themes of the novel.

Patrice Hollmann

Patrice Hollmann is a supporting character who plays a significant role in the lives of the comrades. She is a young woman who captures Lohkamp's heart. Hollmann is described as beautiful, kind, and full of life. She becomes a source of inspiration and love for Lohkamp, offering him a glimpse of happiness amidst the turmoil.

Hella Sombert

Hella Sombert is another supporting character who enters the lives of the comrades. She is a nurse and an old acquaintance of Lohkamp. Sombert is portrayed as a strong and independent woman who has suffered her own share of losses and heartbreak. Her relationship with Lohkamp brings both comfort and challenges as they navigate their shared pain.


The comrades, as a group, represent the bond and camaraderie that develops between individuals who have experienced the horrors of war. They provide emotional support, understanding, and a sense of belonging to each other. Their friendship serves as a central theme of the novel.

Character Traits

Robert Lohkamp

  • Sensitive
  • Thoughtful
  • Compassionate
  • Haunted
  • Introspective

Otto Köster

  • Pragmatic
  • Loyal
  • Caring
  • Skilled mechanic
  • Tough exterior

Gottfried Lenz

  • Jovial
  • Optimistic
  • Talented artist
  • Dreamer
  • Light-hearted

Patrice Hollmann

  • Beautiful
  • Kind
  • Full of life
  • Inspiring
  • Loving

Hella Sombert

  • Strong
  • Independent
  • Experienced loss
  • Nurse
  • Challenging relationship

Character Background

Robert Lohkamp, Otto Köster, and Gottfried Lenz are war veterans who fought for Germany during World War I. They have witnessed the horrors of war and have been deeply scarred by their experiences. After the war, they find themselves struggling to adjust to civilian life in a country plagued by economic turmoil and political unrest.

Patrice Hollmann and Hella Sombert enter their lives, bringing new dynamics and challenges. Hollmann becomes a beacon of hope and love for Lohkamp, while Sombert offers understanding and a shared sense of pain.

Character Arcs

Throughout the novel, the characters undergo significant personal growth and transformation. Robert Lohkamp, in particular, experiences a profound emotional journey as he confronts his past and learns to embrace the present. From a haunted and introspective individual, he gradually finds solace and love in the companionship of Patrice Hollmann.

Otto Köster, on the other hand, remains a steadfast and reliable friend throughout the story. His pragmatic nature and loyalty provide a stable presence for his comrades, even as they navigate their own personal struggles.

Gottfried Lenz showcases resilience and a zest for life despite the challenges he faces. His dreams of becoming a painter serve as a symbol of hope and the pursuit of beauty in a world marked by darkness.

The relationships between the characters also evolve and shape their individual arcs. The love and support of Patrice Hollmann and the complexities of Lohkamp's relationship with Hella Sombert contribute to their personal growth and the exploration of themes such as love, loss, and resilience.


The relationships between the characters in "Three Comrades" are crucial to the development of the story. The bond between Robert Lohkamp, Otto Köster, and Gottfried Lenz forms the foundation of the novel, representing the shared experiences and understanding forged in the trenches of war.

The romantic relationship between Lohkamp and Patrice Hollmann brings light and hope into their lives. It serves as a source of inspiration and healing, allowing Lohkamp to find happiness amidst his struggles.

The relationship between Lohkamp and Hella Sombert is more complex. They share a deep understanding of loss and pain, but their connection is also marked by challenges and conflicting emotions. Their relationship explores the complexities of love and the impact of past trauma.

Overall, the relationships in "Three Comrades" highlight the importance of human connection and support in times of adversity. They provide solace, hope, and a sense of belonging to characters who have endured the horrors of war and must navigate the challenges of post-war life.