Estimated read time: 5 min read

One Sentence Summary

Three comrades navigate the challenges of post-World War I Germany while wrestling with love, friendship, and the pursuit of meaning in life.


In "Three Comrades," acclaimed author Erich Maria Remarque takes us on a gripping journey through the tumultuous years following World War I. With his signature storytelling prowess, Remarque delves into the lives of three war veterans who forge a deep bond as they navigate the challenges of post-war Germany. Through their camaraderie, the protagonists grapple with love, loss, and the search for meaning in a world consumed by chaos. This poignant and thought-provoking novel captivates readers with its powerful narrative and profound themes.

Brief Synopsis

Set in Germany during the 1920s, "Three Comrades" portrays a country devastated by the aftermath of World War I. The story unfolds through the eyes of the narrator, Robert Lohkamp, who, along with his comrades Gottfried Lenz and Otto Köster, forms an inseparable brotherhood. Together, they run an auto repair shop, attempting to rebuild their lives and find solace in each other's company.

As the trio navigates the challenges of a war-ravaged society, they encounter the enigmatic and alluring Patrice Hollmann. Robert falls deeply in love with her, but their happiness remains elusive as Patrice is terminally ill. In the face of impending tragedy, the comrades must confront their own mortality and the fragility of human existence.

Main Events

1 - 5Introduction of the three comrades and their struggles in post-war Germany.
6 - 10The comrades meet Patrice Hollmann and Robert falls in love with her.
11 - 15The comrades face the challenges of Patrice's illness and the inevitability of death.
16 - 20Gottfried's deteriorating mental health and the impact on the comrades' friendship.
21 - 25The comrades confront their own mortality and search for meaning in a chaotic world.
26 - 30Tragic events unfold, testing the comrades' resilience and their bond.
31 - 35The comrades find solace and strength in their memories and the legacy of their friendship.

Main Characters

Robert Lohkamp: The narrator and protagonist of the story. He is a war veteran and one of the three comrades. Robert is introspective, sensitive, and deeply affected by the war's aftermath.

Gottfried Lenz: One of the three comrades and a war veteran. Gottfried is described as a dreamer and a poet, with a fragile mental state. He is deeply loyal to his comrades.

Otto Köster: The third member of the comrades and a war veteran. Otto is pragmatic and practical, providing stability to the group. He is known for his mechanical skills.

Patrice Hollmann: A mysterious and alluring woman who captures Robert's heart. Patrice is terminally ill and struggles with her own mortality. She brings both joy and sorrow to the comrades' lives.

Themes and Insights

1. Post-War Trauma and Survival

"Three Comrades" explores the profound impact of war on individuals and society. The novel vividly depicts the struggles faced by war veterans as they try to rebuild their lives amidst a shattered world. Remarque presents a raw and unflinching portrayal of the physical and psychological scars left by war, shedding light on the difficult journey of survival and healing.

2. Friendship and Camaraderie

The bond between the three comrades serves as a central theme in the novel. Their friendship becomes a source of strength and resilience as they navigate the challenges of post-war Germany. Through their unwavering support for one another, Remarque emphasizes the power of genuine friendship in providing solace and hope in the face of adversity.

3. Love, Loss, and Mortality

The novel delves into the complexities of love and the inevitability of loss and mortality. Robert's love for Patrice becomes a poignant exploration of the fleeting nature of happiness and the profound impact of death. Remarque confronts readers with the fragility of human existence and the need to find meaning in the face of life's transience.

Reader's Takeaway

"Three Comrades" is an emotionally gripping and introspective novel that immerses readers in the post-war struggles of its characters. Remarque's vivid storytelling and nuanced exploration of themes make it a compelling read. Through the comrades' journey, readers are invited to reflect on the human capacity for resilience, the importance of friendship, and the pursuit of meaning in a world marked by chaos and loss.


Erich Maria Remarque's "Three Comrades" is a masterful portrayal of post-war Germany and the profound impact of war on individuals. Through the lens of the three comrades, Remarque weaves a poignant narrative that explores themes of trauma, friendship, love, and mortality. This thought-provoking novel leaves readers with a deep appreciation for the indomitable human spirit and the quest for meaning in the face of adversity.

Three Comrades FAQ

  1. Who is the author of Three Comrades?

    The author of Three Comrades is Erich Maria Remarque.

  2. What is the genre of Three Comrades?

    Three Comrades is a historical fiction novel.

  3. When was Three Comrades published?

    Three Comrades was published in 1936.

  4. What is the setting of Three Comrades?

    The story is set in Germany after World War I, during the period of economic and political instability.

  5. What is the plot of Three Comrades?

    Three Comrades follows the lives of three war veterans who form a close bond and struggle to find meaning in post-war Germany.

  6. Is Three Comrades based on a true story?

    No, Three Comrades is a work of fiction.

  7. What are some major themes explored in Three Comrades?

    Some major themes in Three Comrades include friendship, love, loss, and the search for purpose and meaning in a chaotic world.

  8. Is Three Comrades a sequel to All Quiet on the Western Front?

    No, Three Comrades is not a sequel to All Quiet on the Western Front, although both books are written by Erich Maria Remarque and explore similar themes.

  9. Is Three Comrades a war novel?

    While Three Comrades is set in the aftermath of World War I, it is not primarily a war novel. It focuses more on the impact of war on the lives of its characters.

  10. Has Three Comrades been adapted into a film?

    Yes, Three Comrades has been adapted into a film multiple times, with the most notable adaptation being the 1938 film directed by Frank Borzage.