Word of Honor
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4.18 / 5

"Word of Honor" Characters Analysis

By Nelson DeMille

fiction | 880 pages | Published in NaN

ISBN_13: 9780446674829

Estimated read time: 8 min read

List of Characters

Character NameRole
Ben TysonProtagonist
General William Tecumseh McCabeAntagonist
Karen HarperLove Interest
Colonel David HudsonSupporting Character
Sergeant Dan FowlerSupporting Character

Role Identification

In "Word of Honor" by Nelson DeMille, Ben Tyson is the protagonist and the central character of the story. General William Tecumseh McCabe serves as the antagonist, creating conflict and opposing the protagonist's goals. Karen Harper plays the role of the love interest, while Colonel David Hudson and Sergeant Dan Fowler are supporting characters who contribute to the overall narrative.

Character Descriptions

Ben Tyson

Ben Tyson is a former Army officer who served in Vietnam. He is described as a tall and well-built man in his early forties. He possesses a commanding presence and maintains a disciplined demeanor. Ben carries the weight of guilt from a tragic incident that occurred during the war, which becomes a significant driving force in the story.

General William Tecumseh McCabe

General McCabe is a high-ranking military officer and the primary antagonist in the novel. He is described as a stern and calculating individual who values loyalty above all else. McCabe is known for his strict adherence to military protocol and his unwavering pursuit of justice. He becomes a formidable obstacle for Ben Tyson as their paths cross again after the war.

Karen Harper

Karen Harper is a journalist and the love interest of Ben Tyson. She is portrayed as an intelligent and determined woman who is dedicated to uncovering the truth. Karen provides emotional support to Ben throughout the story and plays a crucial role in helping him confront his past.

Colonel David Hudson

Colonel Hudson is a supporting character who served alongside Ben Tyson during the Vietnam War. He is depicted as a loyal and honorable officer who maintains a close friendship with Ben. Colonel Hudson plays a pivotal role in unraveling the truth behind the incident that haunts Ben, offering guidance and support.

Sergeant Dan Fowler

Sergeant Fowler is another supporting character who served with Ben Tyson in Vietnam. He is described as a gruff and experienced soldier who possesses a wealth of knowledge about the war. Sergeant Fowler provides valuable insights and assists Ben in his quest for redemption.

Character Traits

Ben Tyson

  • Guilt-ridden
  • Disciplined
  • Determined
  • Resilient
  • Morally conflicted

General William Tecumseh McCabe

  • Stern
  • Calculating
  • Ruthless
  • Loyal to the military
  • Unyielding

Karen Harper

  • Intelligent
  • Determined
  • Supportive
  • Empathetic
  • Courageous

Colonel David Hudson

  • Loyal
  • Honorable
  • Wise
  • Trustworthy
  • Caring

Sergeant Dan Fowler

  • Gruff
  • Experienced
  • Resourceful
  • Observant
  • Loyal

Character Background

Ben Tyson

Ben Tyson is a decorated Army officer who served in the Vietnam War. He was involved in an incident known as the "My Lai Massacre," where innocent Vietnamese civilians were killed. Ben, along with his soldiers, carried out the orders, resulting in deep remorse and guilt that haunts him to this day. After the war, he left the military and became a successful businessman, trying to bury his past.

General William Tecumseh McCabe

General McCabe is a highly respected military officer who has risen through the ranks. He is known for his unwavering dedication to duty and strict adherence to military protocol. McCabe has a reputation for being tough and demanding, earning the respect and fear of his subordinates. He becomes involved in the investigation of the My Lai Massacre and holds a personal vendetta against Ben Tyson.

Karen Harper

Karen Harper is a journalist who specializes in investigative reporting. She is driven by a strong sense of justice and a desire to uncover the truth. Karen becomes intrigued by the story of the My Lai Massacre and seeks to expose the hidden details surrounding the incident. Her determination leads her to Ben Tyson, and they form a deep connection as she helps him confront his past.

Colonel David Hudson

Colonel Hudson is a career military officer who served alongside Ben Tyson during the Vietnam War. He witnessed the events of the My Lai Massacre and understands the toll it took on Ben's conscience. Colonel Hudson serves as a trusted friend and confidant, supporting Ben throughout his journey of redemption.

Sergeant Dan Fowler

Sergeant Fowler is a battle-hardened soldier who fought alongside Ben Tyson in Vietnam. He is well-versed in the realities of war and understands the burden of guilt that Ben carries. Despite his gruff exterior, Sergeant Fowler remains fiercely loyal to Ben and provides valuable assistance in their quest for justice.

Character Arcs

Ben Tyson

Ben Tyson undergoes a significant character arc throughout the novel. Initially burdened by guilt and haunted by his past actions, he embarks on a journey of redemption and self-discovery. Ben confronts the truth about the My Lai Massacre and takes responsibility for his role in the tragedy. Through the support of Karen Harper and Colonel Hudson, he finds the strength to face the consequences of his actions and seek forgiveness.

General William Tecumseh McCabe

General McCabe's character arc revolves around his relentless pursuit of justice and his personal vendetta against Ben Tyson. As the investigation progresses, McCabe's motives become more transparent, ultimately revealing his own dark secrets and ulterior motives. He becomes consumed by his obsession with bringing Ben to justice, leading to a downfall that exposes his true nature.

Karen Harper

Karen Harper's character arc centers on her quest for truth and justice. Initially driven by her journalistic instincts, she develops a deep connection with Ben Tyson and becomes emotionally invested in his redemption. Karen's determination and unwavering support for Ben lead her to uncover crucial evidence and expose the truth behind the My Lai Massacre.

Colonel David Hudson

Colonel Hudson's character arc involves his unwavering loyalty to Ben Tyson and his commitment to helping him confront his past. He serves as a guiding figure for Ben, providing wisdom and support throughout their journey. Colonel Hudson's steadfast belief in Ben's potential for redemption remains constant, even as they face numerous obstacles together.

Sergeant Dan Fowler

Sergeant Fowler's character arc revolves around his loyalty to Ben Tyson and his role as a trusted ally. He supports Ben in his pursuit of justice and serves as a source of practical knowledge and guidance. Sergeant Fowler's unwavering loyalty and resourcefulness contribute to the overall narrative and help propel the story forward.


Ben Tyson and Karen Harper

Ben and Karen's relationship evolves from a professional connection to a deep emotional bond. Karen's unwavering support and empathy provide Ben with the strength to confront his past and seek redemption. Their relationship becomes a catalyst for Ben's character development and serves as a source of emotional healing for both characters.

Ben Tyson and General William Tecumseh McCabe

Ben and General McCabe share a complex and adversarial relationship. McCabe becomes Ben's primary antagonist, relentlessly pursuing him for his role in the My Lai Massacre. Their confrontations expose the deep-seated guilt and resentment between the two characters, creating tension and driving the narrative forward.

Ben Tyson and Colonel David Hudson

Ben and Colonel Hudson share a deep camaraderie forged during their time in Vietnam. Colonel Hudson serves as a trusted friend and ally, providing guidance and support as Ben seeks redemption. Their friendship carries a sense of shared responsibility and understanding that becomes crucial in unraveling the truth behind the My Lai Massacre.

Ben Tyson and Sergeant Dan Fowler

Ben and Sergeant Fowler's relationship is rooted in their shared experiences during the Vietnam War. Fowler's loyalty and resourcefulness provide valuable assistance to Ben throughout the story. Their bond as fellow soldiers strengthens their resolve in seeking justice and finding redemption.