Estimated read time: 5 min read

One Sentence Summary

A Vietnam War veteran is accused of a brutal crime and must uncover the truth to clear his name.

Word of Honor by Nelson DeMille: A Riveting Tale of Loyalty and Betrayal


In the gripping novel "Word of Honor," renowned author Nelson DeMille takes readers on an exhilarating journey filled with suspense, intrigue, and moral dilemmas. Published in 1985, this military thriller explores the complexities of honor, duty, and the lengths to which one man will go to uncover the truth. With its vivid storytelling and well-drawn characters, "Word of Honor" is a must-read for fans of the genre.

Brief Synopsis

"Word of Honor" centers around the life of Ben Tyson, a former army officer who is about to receive the Medal of Honor for his service in Vietnam. However, just days before the ceremony, Tyson receives a mysterious letter from a fellow soldier, C.J. Carver, accusing him of a wartime atrocity. This accusation sends Tyson on a quest to uncover the truth and clear his name.

The story is set in present-day America, but frequently delves into Tyson's memories of the Vietnam War. As Tyson investigates the alleged war crime, he is forced to confront his own past, the moral ambiguities of war, and the loyalty he feels towards his comrades. The novel weaves together these two timelines, creating a rich and immersive reading experience.

Main Characters

Ben TysonThe protagonist and former army officer who is accused of a wartime atrocity.
C.J. CarverTyson's former soldier and the accuser who sends him the letter.
Karen HarperTyson's wife, who stands by him throughout the ordeal.
General PrattTyson's former commanding officer, who plays a crucial role in the investigation.
Colonel DavisTyson's former colleague and friend, who helps him unravel the truth.

Summary of Different Story Points Over Chapters

Chapter 1: Accusation

  • Ben Tyson receives a letter from C.J. Carver, accusing him of a wartime atrocity in Vietnam.

Chapter 2: The Medal of Honor

  • Tyson is scheduled to receive the Medal of Honor for his bravery in Vietnam.
  • He struggles with the accusation and starts questioning his own memories of the war.

Chapter 3: Investigation Begins

  • Tyson hires a lawyer and begins investigating the alleged incident to clear his name.
  • He reconnects with his former comrades and starts piecing together the events of the past.

Chapter 4: Flashbacks

  • The narrative shifts to Tyson's memories of the Vietnam War, revealing the horrors and challenges he faced.
  • Tyson recalls his relationship with C.J. Carver and the camaraderie among his fellow soldiers.

Chapter 5: Uncovering the Truth

  • Tyson discovers inconsistencies in Carver's accusation and begins to suspect a hidden agenda.
  • He uncovers evidence that suggests a conspiracy within the military.

Chapter 6: Betrayal and Redemption

  • Tyson confronts General Pratt, who reveals the truth behind the accusation and the cover-up.
  • Tyson must decide whether to expose the conspiracy or protect the reputation of the military institution.

Main Events

  1. Ben Tyson receives a letter accusing him of a wartime atrocity.
  2. Tyson's internal struggle with the accusation and his impending Medal of Honor ceremony.
  3. Tyson begins his investigation, reconnecting with former comrades and piecing together the past.
  4. Flashbacks to Tyson's experiences in Vietnam, highlighting the horrors of war.
  5. Tyson uncovers evidence of a conspiracy within the military.
  6. Tyson confronts General Pratt and must make a decision that will shape his future.

Themes and Insights


  1. Honor and Integrity: The novel explores the concepts of honor and integrity, as Tyson fights to clear his name and uncover the truth.
  2. Loyalty and Betrayal: The loyalty Tyson feels towards his comrades is tested as he uncovers betrayal within the military.
  3. The Complexities of War: Through flashbacks, the book delves into the moral ambiguities and psychological impact of war.


  • "Word of Honor" raises thought-provoking questions about the sacrifices made by soldiers and the consequences of wartime actions.
  • The novel challenges readers to question their own definitions of honor and how far they would go to protect their reputation.
  • It highlights the challenges faced by veterans in transitioning back to civilian life and dealing with the trauma of war.

Reader's Takeaway

"Word of Honor" is a gripping military thriller that delves into the moral complexities of war and the lengths one man will go to protect his honor. Nelson DeMille's masterful storytelling keeps readers on the edge of their seats, questioning the true nature of heroism and the sacrifices made by those in service. This novel is a must-read for fans of suspenseful and thought-provoking fiction.


Nelson DeMille's "Word of Honor" is a captivating novel that explores the themes of honor, loyalty, and the impact of war on individuals. Through the eyes of Ben Tyson, the reader is taken on a journey that challenges conventional notions of heroism and sheds light on the often-untold stories of those who have served. With its compelling plot and well-crafted characters, "Word of Honor" is a testament to DeMille's skill as a storyteller and a must-read for lovers of military fiction.

Word of Honor FAQ

  1. What is the genre of the book 'Word of Honor'?

    The book 'Word of Honor' is a thriller/mystery novel.

  2. Who is the author of 'Word of Honor'?

    The author of 'Word of Honor' is Nelson DeMille.

  3. What is the main plot of the book?

    The main plot of 'Word of Honor' revolves around a Vietnam War veteran who is accused of a horrifying crime and his fight to clear his name.

  4. Is 'Word of Honor' based on a true story?

    No, 'Word of Honor' is a work of fiction and not based on a true story.

  5. How long is the book?

    The length of 'Word of Honor' is approximately 600 pages.

  6. Is 'Word of Honor' part of a series?

    No, 'Word of Honor' is a standalone novel and not part of a series.

  7. What is the publication date of 'Word of Honor'?

    The book 'Word of Honor' was published on August 1, 1985.

  8. Are there any movie adaptations of 'Word of Honor'?

    No, there have been no movie adaptations of 'Word of Honor' as of now.

  9. Is 'Word of Honor' suitable for young readers?

    'Word of Honor' contains mature themes and language, so it may not be suitable for young readers.

  10. Has 'Word of Honor' received any awards?

    Yes, 'Word of Honor' won the W. H. Smith Thumping Good Read Award in 1985.