Estimated read time: 4 min read

List of Characters

Character Name
Jiddu Krishnamurti
Various individuals (mentioned in anecdotes)

Role Identification

In "Freedom from the Known" by Jiddu Krishnamurti, the primary character is the author himself, Jiddu Krishnamurti. The book focuses on his philosophical teachings and personal experiences. Additionally, various individuals are mentioned in the anecdotes shared by Krishnamurti.

Character Descriptions

Jiddu Krishnamurti

Krishnamurti is the central figure in the book, and his character serves as the vehicle for exploring profound philosophical concepts. He is portrayed as an enlightened teacher and a philosopher who challenges conventional beliefs. Krishnamurti is described as having a charismatic presence, with a deep sense of compassion and wisdom.

Various individuals

Throughout the book, Krishnamurti recounts encounters with different individuals who have either sought his guidance or shared their experiences. These characters are not extensively described, but their anecdotes contribute to the overall themes explored by Krishnamurti.

Character Traits

Jiddu Krishnamurti

  • Enlightened: Krishnamurti possesses deep insight and understanding, which he shares with others through his teachings.
  • Compassionate: He demonstrates empathy and care for others, striving to help them find freedom from societal conditioning.
  • Thoughtful: Krishnamurti engages in introspection and encourages critical thinking, urging individuals to question their beliefs and ideologies.
  • Intense: He exhibits a profound intensity in his approach to self-inquiry and the pursuit of truth.

Character Background

Jiddu Krishnamurti

Jiddu Krishnamurti was a renowned philosopher, speaker, and spiritual teacher. Born in 1895 in India, he was discovered as a young boy by the Theosophical Society, which proclaimed him as the coming World Teacher. However, Krishnamurti rejected this role and dissolved the organization that had been formed around him. He spent the rest of his life traveling the world, giving talks, and engaging in dialogues with individuals from various backgrounds.

Character Arcs

Jiddu Krishnamurti

As the central character, Krishnamurti's character arc in "Freedom from the Known" revolves around the development and deepening of his philosophical teachings. The book traces his evolution from a young boy thrust into the role of a spiritual leader to a mature teacher who emphasizes the importance of self-discovery and liberation from societal conditioning. Krishnamurti's arc showcases his journey towards a more profound understanding of the human mind and the nature of existence.


Jiddu Krishnamurti and Various Individuals

Throughout the book, Krishnamurti shares anecdotes about his interactions with individuals from diverse backgrounds. These encounters reflect both the depth of his understanding and the impact of his teachings on those who seek his guidance. The relationships depicted in the book are based on mutual respect and a shared quest for spiritual enlightenment. Krishnamurti's ability to connect with people from all walks of life underscores his universal message of freedom from psychological constraints.


"Freedom from the Known" by Jiddu Krishnamurti primarily revolves around the character of the author himself. Krishnamurti's character is portrayed as an enlightened teacher, sharing his insights and experiences to guide individuals towards self-discovery and liberation. The book showcases his character's traits of enlightenment, compassion, thoughtfulness, and intensity. Furthermore, Krishnamurti's character arc highlights his evolution as a philosopher and spiritual teacher. Through his encounters with various individuals, Krishnamurti explores the complexities of the human mind and emphasizes the importance of breaking free from societal conditioning. "Freedom from the Known" ultimately presents Krishnamurti's character as an embodiment of wisdom and a catalyst for personal transformation.