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Test your knowledge about the book "Freedom from the Known". We have come up with 10 quiz questions for the book. Hit play and start testing your knowledge. Each correctly answered question gives one point.

10 questions available

Essay questions

These essay questions are meant to be used as a starting point for your essay or research paper.

  1. Discuss the concept of 'freedom from the known' as presented in the book. How does Krishnamurti define it?
  2. Explain the importance of self-awareness in achieving freedom from the known. How does Krishnamurti suggest one can develop this self-awareness?
  3. Analyze the role of conditioning in human existence according to Krishnamurti. How does conditioning limit our freedom?
  4. Discuss the connection between fear and the known in Krishnamurti's philosophy. How does fear prevent us from experiencing true freedom?
  5. Examine the idea of psychological time as explored by Krishnamurti. How does our attachment to the past and future hinder our freedom?
  6. Discuss the relationship between knowledge and freedom in Krishnamurti's teachings. How can excessive reliance on knowledge be an obstacle to true freedom?
  7. Explore Krishnamurti's views on the nature of thought and its impact on our freedom. How does he suggest we transcend the limitations of thought?
  8. Analyze the concept of choice in relation to freedom from the known. How does Krishnamurti argue that our conditioned choices limit our freedom?
  9. Discuss the role of meditation and self-inquiry in the process of attaining freedom from the known, as advocated by Krishnamurti.