Shutter Island
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"Shutter Island" Quotes

By Dennis Lehane

mystery | 369 pages | Published in 2003

ISBN_13: 9780380731862


It's not as if I can just make myself forget. It's not as if I can just flick a switch and reset my memory.

Dennis Lehane

I'm a marshmallow. You can't hurt me.

Dennis Lehane

Sometimes the truth can be so boring.

Dennis Lehane

People are always unhappy when they're not in control.

Dennis Lehane

In every man's life there comes a time when he must search for the truth, and make a choice.

Dennis Lehane

You know, the mind is a funny thing. There are some things it doesn't want to remember, doesn't want to know.

Dennis Lehane

We're all islands shouting lies to each other across seas of misunderstanding.

Dennis Lehane

Sometimes you can't let go of the past without facing it again.

Dennis Lehane

The mind of a madman is a riddle, and I can't solve it.

Dennis Lehane

Reality can be a pal, but a hallucination is fun.

Dennis Lehane