The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles
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"The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles" Characters Analysis

By Julie Andrews Edwards

fantasy | 209 pages | Published in NaN

ISBN_13: 9780060218058

Estimated read time: 7 min read

Table of Contents

  1. List of Characters

List of Characters

Character NameRole
Professor SavantProtagonist and Whangdoodle Explorer
Lindy, Tom, and Ben PotterProfessor Savant's grandchildren
WhangdoodleMythical creature
Princess PongWhangdoodle royalty
ProckWhangdoodle guide
The SplintercatWhangdoodle companion
Whiffle BirdsWhangdoodle creatures
FlukeWhangdoodle creature
Scroobius PipWhangdoodle creature
Dr. WhangdoodleWhangdoodle character

Role Identification

In "The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles," Julie Andrews Edwards introduces readers to a captivating world of imagination and adventure. The characters in this enchanting tale play various roles, each contributing to the development of the story and the exploration of the magical realm of Whangdoodleland. The main character, Professor Savant, takes on the role of the protagonist and Whangdoodle explorer, leading the way for his curious and adventurous grandchildren, Lindy, Tom, and Ben Potter. Other significant characters include the mythical creature, the Whangdoodle, as well as Princess Pong, Prock, The Splintercat, and various Whangdoodle creatures.

Character Descriptions

  1. Professor Savant: Professor Savant is an eccentric and brilliant scientist who becomes the central figure of the story. He possesses a long white beard, twinkling eyes, and a deep passion for exploring the unknown. His appearance reflects his wisdom and experience, serving as a guiding figure for his grandchildren.
  2. Lindy, Tom, and Ben Potter: Lindy, Tom, and Ben Potter are Professor Savant's curious and imaginative grandchildren. Lindy, the oldest, is characterized by her bravery and determination. Tom, the middle child, is a witty and quick-thinking boy. Ben, the youngest, is full of wonder and possesses a vivid imagination. Together, they embark on a thrilling journey to Whangdoodleland.
  3. Whangdoodle: The Whangdoodle is a mythical creature and the primary focus of Professor Savant's exploration. This creature is described as large, hairy, and having three different-colored eyes. The Whangdoodle's appearance and mysterious nature add an element of fantasy and wonder to the story.
  4. Princess Pong: Princess Pong is a Whangdoodle of royal lineage. She is portrayed as regal, intelligent, and compassionate. Princess Pong plays a crucial role in guiding the characters and helping them understand the importance of imagination and creativity.
  5. Prock: Prock is a knowledgeable Whangdoodle who serves as a guide for Professor Savant and his grandchildren. With his bubbly personality and extensive knowledge of Whangdoodleland, Prock assists the characters in their quest, providing them with essential information and support.
  6. The Splintercat: The Splintercat is a unique Whangdoodle creature that joins the characters on their adventure. This furry and mischievous companion adds humor and excitement to the story while also providing valuable assistance.
  7. Whiffle Birds: Whiffle Birds are small, colorful creatures that inhabit Whangdoodleland. These delightful creatures help the characters navigate through various challenges and provide comic relief with their playful antics.
  8. Fluke: Fluke is a Whangdoodle creature with a jovial and friendly personality. This character brings joy and laughter to the story, serving as a reminder of the magic and wonder within Whangdoodleland.
  9. Scroobius Pip: Scroobius Pip is another Whangdoodle creature characterized by his unique appearance and quirky behavior. With his peculiar sense of humor, Scroobius Pip adds a touch of whimsy to the narrative.
  10. Dr. Whangdoodle: Dr. Whangdoodle is a prominent Whangdoodle character and an integral part of the story. As a wise and knowledgeable figure, Dr. Whangdoodle imparts valuable life lessons and helps the characters understand the importance of imagination and creativity.

Character Traits

The characters in "The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles" possess distinct traits that contribute to the development of the story and the overall theme of imagination and adventure.

  1. Professor Savant: Wise, curious, adventurous, imaginative.
  2. Lindy: Brave, determined, resourceful.
  3. Tom: Witty, quick-thinking, clever.
  4. Ben: Wonder-filled, imaginative, creative.
  5. Whangdoodle: Mysterious, mythical, magical.
  6. Princess Pong: Regal, intelligent, compassionate.
  7. Prock: Knowledgeable, supportive, bubbly.
  8. The Splintercat: Mischievous, playful, helpful.
  9. Whiffle Birds: Colorful, playful, mischievous.
  10. Fluke: Jovial, friendly, joyful.
  11. Scroobius Pip: Peculiar, quirky, humorous.
  12. Dr. Whangdoodle: Wise, knowledgeable, guiding.

Character Background

The characters in "The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles" come from different backgrounds, each contributing to their unique qualities and perspectives.

Professor Savant is an accomplished scientist with years of experience in exploring the unknown. His background in academia and his insatiable curiosity make him the perfect protagonist for this adventure. Lindy, Tom, and Ben Potter are ordinary children who possess extraordinary imaginations, inherited from their grandfather. Their background as curious and imaginative individuals sets the stage for their journey into the world of Whangdoodleland.

Whangdoodle, the mythical creature, comes from a realm of magic and wonder, shrouded in mystery. Princess Pong, Prock, The Splintercat, and the various Whangdoodle creatures have their own unique backgrounds within Whangdoodleland, each infused with whimsy and fantasy.

Character Arcs

"The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles" takes readers on a transformative journey for each character, allowing them to grow and evolve throughout the story.

Professor Savant starts as a knowledgeable and curious explorer but learns to embrace the power of imagination and creativity. His arc involves rediscovering the wonder of the world and imparting this wisdom to his grandchildren.

Lindy, Tom, and Ben Potter begin as imaginative children, but their journey to Whangdoodleland tests their bravery, resourcefulness, and ability to work together. Their arc involves developing their individual strengths and learning the value of teamwork and perseverance.

The Whangdoodle, Princess Pong, Prock, and the other Whangdoodle creatures also experience growth and transformation as they interact with the human characters. They learn from Professor Savant and his grandchildren, gaining a deeper understanding of the importance of imagination and the power of the human spirit.


The relationships between the characters in "The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles" are essential to the development of the story and the exploration of the book's themes.

Professor Savant acts as a mentor and guide to his grandchildren, Lindy, Tom, and Ben Potter. Their relationship is characterized by love, trust, and the passing on of wisdom from one generation to the next.

The bond between the human characters and the Whangdoodle creatures, such as Princess Pong, Prock, The Splintercat, and the Whiffle Birds, is one of mutual respect and collaboration. Through their interactions, both sides learn from each other, fostering a deeper connection and understanding.

The Whangdoodle, as a mythical creature, has a significant relationship with all the characters. It represents the gateway to a world of imagination and serves as a catalyst for personal growth and transformation.

Overall, the relationships in "The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles" emphasize the importance of connection, collaboration, and the power of imagination in shaping our lives.