The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles
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"The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles" Summary

By Julie Andrews Edwards

fantasy | 209 pages | Published in NaN

ISBN_13: 9780060218058

Estimated read time: 5 min read

One Sentence Summary

A group of children embark on a magical adventure to find the last remaining Whangdoodle and save it from extinction.


In "The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles" by Julie Andrews Edwards, readers are taken on an enchanting journey to the magical land of Whangdoodleland. This beloved children's book, written by the renowned actress and author Julie Andrews, captures the imagination and teaches valuable life lessons along the way. With its engaging story, memorable characters, and timeless themes, "The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles" is a must-read for children and adults alike.

Brief Synopsis

"The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles" follows the adventures of three siblings - Ben, Tom, and Lindy - who discover a hidden doorway that leads them to the fantastical world of Whangdoodleland. This imaginative realm is inhabited by a variety of mythical creatures, including the Whangdoodles themselves. The Whangdoodles are whimsical, colorful creatures with the ability to change their appearance at will.

Throughout their journey in Whangdoodleland, the siblings meet Professor Savant, a knowledgeable and eccentric guide who teaches them about the wonders of the land and helps them on their quest to find the last surviving Whangdoodle. Along the way, they encounter numerous challenges and obstacles, testing their bravery and determination.

The setting of the book moves between the real world, where the siblings reside, and the magical realm of Whangdoodleland. This juxtaposition allows for a stark contrast between the mundane and the extraordinary, highlighting the power of imagination and the limitless possibilities it offers.

Main Characters

BenThe eldest sibling, Ben is curious and adventurous. He is often the leader in their Whangdoodleland quests.
TomThe middle sibling, Tom is more cautious and analytical. He provides a logical perspective to their adventures.
LindyThe youngest sibling, Lindy is imaginative and open-minded. She brings a sense of wonder to their exploration.
Professor SavantA wise and eccentric character who serves as the siblings' guide in Whangdoodleland.

Summary of Story Points

Chapter 1-3: Discovery of the Hidden Doorway

  • Ben, Tom, and Lindy stumble upon a hidden doorway in an old, abandoned house.
  • They are transported to Whangdoodleland, a magical world filled with mythical creatures.

Chapter 4-6: Meeting Professor Savant

  • The siblings meet Professor Savant, a knowledgeable and quirky guide in Whangdoodleland.
  • He teaches them about the wonders and inhabitants of the magical realm.

Chapter 7-9: Quest to Find the Last Whangdoodle

  • The siblings embark on a quest to find the last surviving Whangdoodle.
  • Along the way, they encounter various challenges and puzzles that test their courage and problem-solving skills.

Chapter 10-12: The Great Feast and Final Confrontation

  • The siblings attend a grand feast in Whangdoodleland, where they meet other characters and creatures.
  • They finally confront the last surviving Whangdoodle and learn valuable lessons about imagination, creativity, and the power of storytelling.

Main Events

  1. Discovery of the hidden doorway to Whangdoodleland.
  2. Meeting Professor Savant and learning about the magical realm.
  3. Embarking on a quest to find the last surviving Whangdoodle.
  4. Overcoming challenges and puzzles along the way.
  5. Attending a grand feast in Whangdoodleland.
  6. Confronting the last Whangdoodle and gaining valuable insights.

Themes and Insights

"The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles" explores several important themes and offers valuable insights for readers of all ages. Some of the prominent themes include:

  1. Imagination and Creativity: The book emphasizes the power of imagination and encourages readers to embrace their creativity. It shows that imagination can transport us to new worlds and help us solve problems in unique ways.
  2. Friendship and Teamwork: The siblings' journey in Whangdoodleland highlights the importance of friendship and cooperation. They rely on each other's strengths and support one another throughout their quest.
  3. Self-Discovery and Personal Growth: Through their adventures, the siblings learn more about themselves and their individual strengths. They develop confidence, resilience, and a sense of self-belief.
  4. Appreciation for Nature and Magic: Whangdoodleland is a magical realm that celebrates the wonders of nature. The book encourages readers to appreciate the beauty and magic of the natural world.

Reader's Takeaway

"The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles" is a delightful and imaginative tale that captivates readers with its whimsical storytelling. Julie Andrews Edwards' writing effortlessly transports readers to the enchanting world of Whangdoodleland, where they can embark on a magical journey alongside the endearing characters. The book encourages readers to embrace their imagination, appreciate the power of friendship, and discover their own unique strengths. With its timeless themes and valuable insights, "The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles" is a book that will leave a lasting impression on readers of all ages.


"The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles" is a captivating children's book that takes readers on a thrilling adventure to the magical world of Whangdoodleland. Julie Andrews Edwards weaves a heartwarming story filled with memorable characters, important life lessons, and a celebration of imagination. This beloved book is a true treasure that will inspire readers to embrace their creativity, appreciate the power of friendship, and discover the magic within themselves.

The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles FAQ

  1. What is 'The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles' about?

    The book follows three siblings, Ben, Tom, and Melinda, as they embark on an extraordinary adventure to find and meet the last of the Whangdoodles, a mythical creature who holds the key to imagination and wonder.

  2. Who is the author of 'The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles'?

    The book is written by Julie Andrews Edwards, who is also known for her acting career in films such as 'Mary Poppins' and 'The Sound of Music'.

  3. What age group is the book suitable for?

    The book is generally recommended for children aged 8 to 12, but can be enjoyed by readers of all ages who appreciate a whimsical and imaginative story.

  4. Is 'The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles' part of a series?

    No, the book is a standalone novel and does not have any sequels or prequels.

  5. What themes are explored in the book?

    The book explores themes of imagination, creativity, friendship, and the power of believing in oneself. It encourages readers to embrace their own imagination and think outside the box.

  6. Are there any illustrations in the book?

    Yes, the book features charming illustrations by Julie Andrews Edwards herself, which add to the magical atmosphere of the story.

  7. Has 'The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles' won any awards?

    Yes, the book has received several awards and honors, including the American Library Association Notable Book Award and the Parents' Choice Award.

  8. Is the book suitable for classroom or group reading?

    Absolutely! 'The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles' can be a great choice for classroom or group reading, as it sparks discussions about imagination and friendship.

  9. Can adults enjoy 'The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles'?

    Yes, the book has a timeless charm that can be appreciated by readers of all ages, including adults who enjoy whimsical and imaginative stories.

  10. Where can I purchase a copy of 'The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles'?

    The book can be purchased from various online retailers such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Book Depository. It is also available in many local bookstores.