The Runaway Jury
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"The Runaway Jury" Summary

By John Grisham

fiction | 358 pages | Published in NaN

ISBN_13: 9780385339698

Estimated read time: 6 min read

One Sentence Summary

A juror with a hidden agenda manipulates a high-stakes trial in a tobacco lawsuit.


"The Runaway Jury" by John Grisham is an enthralling legal thriller that delves into the high-stakes world of jury manipulation and the lengths to which powerful entities will go to secure a favorable verdict. Set in a Mississippi courtroom, the novel lays bare the intricate strategies employed by both the defense and the prosecution as they battle over a high-profile tobacco lawsuit. With its gripping narrative and complex characters, Grisham's novel offers a compelling exploration of the legal system, morality, and the human psyche.

Brief Synopsis

Plot Overview

The novel is set in Pynex, a small town in Mississippi, where a groundbreaking lawsuit is being brought against a major tobacco company. The plaintiff, represented by a tenacious attorney named Wendall Rohr, seeks justice for his deceased wife, who fell victim to lung cancer caused by smoking. On the other side, the tobacco company hires a formidable jury consultant, Rankin Fitch, to ensure a favorable outcome.


The story unfolds primarily within the confines of the courtroom, where the trial becomes a battleground for legal maneuvering and psychological manipulation. The Southern backdrop of Pynex adds depth to the narrative, infusing the setting with a unique cultural and social context that shapes the characters' actions and motivations.

Main Characters

The novel features a diverse cast of characters, each playing a crucial role in the unfolding drama:

Wendall RohrA principled and determined attorney representing the plaintiff in the tobacco lawsuit.
Rankin FitchA cunning and ruthless jury consultant hired by the tobacco company to manipulate the jury.
Nicholas EasterA mysterious and enigmatic member of the jury, with hidden motives of his own.
MarleeA shrewd and elusive woman who wields significant influence over the trial's outcome.

Story Points Over Chapters

Chapter 1-5:

The stage is set for the high-stakes trial, with the attorneys and jury consultants strategizing and preparing for the courtroom battle. Wendall Rohr is portrayed as a dedicated advocate for the plaintiff, while Rankin Fitch employs unscrupulous tactics to manipulate the jury in favor of the tobacco company.

Chapter 6-10:

Nicholas Easter, a seemingly unassuming member of the jury, begins to display unexpected behavior, drawing the attention of both the defense and the prosecution. His actions hint at a hidden agenda that could sway the outcome of the trial.

Chapter 11-15:

As the trial progresses, the tension escalates, and the courtroom becomes a cauldron of conflicting interests and clandestine machinations. The legal teams engage in a fierce battle of wits, while Nicholas Easter's motives remain shrouded in mystery.

Chapter 16-20:

Marlee, a mysterious figure with her own agenda, emerges as a key player in the unfolding drama. Her interactions with both Wendall Rohr and Rankin Fitch reveal a complex web of motives and alliances that could tip the scales in unexpected ways.

Chapter 21-25:

The trial reaches a pivotal moment as the jury's deliberations commence. The intricate web of deceit, manipulation, and personal vendettas comes to a head, testing the moral compass of each character and ultimately determining the trial's outcome.

Main Events

  1. The selection of the jury members and the introduction of Nicholas Easter, a seemingly unassuming member of the jury with hidden motives.
  2. The intense legal maneuvering and psychological warfare between the attorneys and jury consultants, shaping the dynamics of the trial.
  3. The emergence of Marlee, a mysterious figure with significant influence over the trial's outcome, adding a new layer of intrigue and complexity.
  4. The commencement of the jury's deliberations, culminating in a climactic showdown that exposes the true nature of each character's intentions and alliances.

Themes and Insights


  • Manipulation and Deceit: The novel delves into the morally ambiguous tactics employed by both legal teams and jury consultants to influence the outcome of the trial.
  • Power and Influence: The pervasive influence of corporate entities and individuals in the legal system is a central theme, highlighting the unequal balance of power in high-stakes litigation.
  • Justice and Morality: The pursuit of justice and the ethical dilemmas faced by the characters underscore the novel's exploration of moral integrity within the legal sphere.


  • Grisham provides a thought-provoking examination of the intricate web of power, deception, and moral compromise that often characterizes high-profile legal battles.
  • The novel offers insight into the psychological and emotional toll of legal warfare, illuminating the human complexities and vulnerabilities at play in the pursuit of justice.

Reader's Takeaway

"The Runaway Jury" offers readers a riveting journey into the heart of the legal arena, where moral ambiguity, strategic manipulation, and the quest for justice converge in a compelling narrative. With its richly drawn characters and intricately woven plot, the novel invites readers to contemplate the complexities of the legal system and the enduring struggle for truth and integrity in the face of overwhelming odds.


In "The Runaway Jury," John Grisham skillfully navigates the labyrinth of legal intrigue, delivering a masterful narrative that captivates and challenges readers in equal measure. Through its multifaceted characters and thought-provoking themes, the novel leaves an indelible impression, offering a profound exploration of the human condition within the crucible of the courtroom. As the trial unfolds and the characters' motivations are laid bare, Grisham invites readers to confront the moral quandaries and ethical complexities that define the pursuit of justice in a world where truth is often a matter of interpretation.

The Runaway Jury FAQ

  1. What is 'The Runaway Jury' about?

    The Runaway Jury is a legal thriller by John Grisham that revolves around a high-stakes trial involving a tobacco company. The story focuses on the manipulation and influence of the jury by outside forces.

  2. Who are the main characters in 'The Runaway Jury'?

    The main characters in 'The Runaway Jury' include Nicholas Easter, a mysterious juror; Rankin Fitch, a jury consultant; Wendall Rohr, a lawyer representing the plaintiff; and Durwood Cable, a lawyer representing the defendant.

  3. What are the major themes in 'The Runaway Jury'?

    The major themes in 'The Runaway Jury' include the power of persuasion, manipulation, the legal system, morality, and the impact of big corporations on individuals.

  4. Is 'The Runaway Jury' part of a series?

    No, 'The Runaway Jury' is not part of a series. It is a standalone novel by John Grisham.

  5. Is the movie adaptation of 'The Runaway Jury' faithful to the book?

    The movie adaptation of 'The Runaway Jury' diverges from the book in some aspects, but it captures the essence of the legal thriller and the core plot elements. However, there are notable differences between the book and the movie.