The Story of Doctor Dolittle
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"The Story of Doctor Dolittle" Characters Analysis

By Hugh Lofting

classics | 144 pages | Published in NaN

ISBN_13: 9780060775971

Estimated read time: 7 min read

List of Characters

Character NameRole
Doctor John DolittleProtagonist
PolynesiaDoctor's Pet
Tommy StubbinsDoctor's Assistant
JipDoctor's Pet
Dab-DabDoctor's Pet
Gub-GubDoctor's Pet
Chee-CheeDoctor's Pet
Too-TooDoctor's Pet
The Pushmi-PullyuTwo-Headed Animal

Role Identification

Doctor John Dolittle

Doctor John Dolittle is the protagonist of the story, a kind-hearted physician who has a unique ability to communicate with animals. He is the central character and the driving force behind the adventures in the book.


Polynesia is Doctor Dolittle's pet parrot who acts as his confidante and advisor. She is highly intelligent and serves as a source of wisdom and guidance for Doctor Dolittle.

Tommy Stubbins

Tommy Stubbins is a young boy who becomes Doctor Dolittle's assistant. He accompanies the doctor on his adventures and learns the art of talking to animals from him.

Jip, Dab-Dab, Gub-Gub, Chee-Chee, Too-Too

These are some of the animals in Doctor Dolittle's care, each with their own unique personalities and abilities. They accompany the doctor on his journeys and play crucial roles in the story.

The Pushmi-Pullyu

The Pushmi-Pullyu is a unique two-headed animal that becomes a central part of Doctor Dolittle's adventures. It is a rare and fascinating creature that captures the imagination of everyone it encounters.

Character Descriptions

Doctor John Dolittle

Doctor Dolittle is described as a tall, thin man with a gentle face and a kind demeanor. He is often seen wearing a top hat and a long coat, giving him a distinguished appearance. His eyes are bright and curious, reflecting his deep love and understanding of animals.


Polynesia is a colorful parrot with bright feathers and piercing eyes. She is quick-witted and perceptive, often perched on Doctor Dolittle's shoulder, offering him advice and sharing her keen observations.

Tommy Stubbins

Tommy Stubbins is a young boy with a curious nature and a willingness to learn. He is depicted as having a friendly face and a mischievous grin, with a keen interest in the natural world and a deep respect for Doctor Dolittle.

Jip, Dab-Dab, Gub-Gub, Chee-Chee, Too-Too

Each of these animals has its own distinct appearance and personality. Jip is a loyal and intelligent dog, Dab-Dab is a motherly duck, Gub-Gub is a plump and cheerful pig, Chee-Chee is a resourceful and agile monkey, and Too-Too is an insightful and knowledgeable owl.

The Pushmi-Pullyu

The Pushmi-Pullyu is a majestic creature with two heads, one at each end of its body. It has a regal bearing and a calm, dignified manner, adding an air of wonder and enchantment to the story.

Character Traits

Doctor John Dolittle

  • Compassionate
  • Curious
  • Patient
  • Wise
  • Adventurous


  • Intelligent
  • Witty
  • Loyal
  • Observant
  • Assertive

Tommy Stubbins

  • Curious
  • Enthusiastic
  • Helpful
  • Respectful
  • Brave

Jip, Dab-Dab, Gub-Gub, Chee-Chee, Too-Too

Each of these animals exhibits traits typical of their species, such as loyalty, resourcefulness, and intelligence, which contribute to their individual roles in the story.

The Pushmi-Pullyu

  • Majestic
  • Graceful
  • Unique
  • Enigmatic
  • Gentle

Character Background

Doctor John Dolittle

Doctor Dolittle's background is one of a successful physician who discovers his unique ability to communicate with animals after learning their languages during his travels. His deep empathy for animals leads him to forgo his human medical practice and dedicate himself to the care and understanding of creatures great and small.


Polynesia is originally from the West Indies and has traveled extensively with sailors before coming into Doctor Dolittle's care. Her experiences have made her wise and worldly, and her ability to speak multiple languages makes her an invaluable companion to the doctor.

Tommy Stubbins

Tommy Stubbins is a local boy who becomes involved with Doctor Dolittle after seeking medical attention for a squirrel. His eagerness to learn and his genuine nature quickly endear him to the doctor, leading to his apprenticeship and subsequent adventures.

Other Animals

The various animals in Doctor Dolittle's care come from diverse backgrounds, each with its own story of how they came to be under the doctor's wing. Their unique experiences and personalities contribute to the richness of the group dynamic.

Character Arcs

Doctor John Dolittle

Throughout the story, Doctor Dolittle's arc revolves around his deepening connection with the animal kingdom and his continued growth as a compassionate and understanding individual. His adventures lead to a further understanding of the natural world and solidify his commitment to animal welfare.

Tommy Stubbins

Tommy's character arc centers on his transformation from an inquisitive young boy to a capable assistant and confidante of Doctor Dolittle. Through his experiences, he gains valuable knowledge about the animal kingdom and develops a deep bond with the doctor and his animal companions.


Polynesia's arc involves her evolving role from a mere pet to a trusted advisor and friend to Doctor Dolittle. Her wisdom and insight become instrumental in the success of the doctor's endeavors, showcasing her growth and importance in the story.

Other Animals

While the individual animals may not have traditional character arcs, their experiences and interactions with Doctor Dolittle and each other contribute to the overall development of the story and the dynamic of the group.


Doctor John Dolittle and Polynesia

The relationship between Doctor Dolittle and Polynesia is one of mutual respect and deep understanding. Polynesia serves as a trusted advisor, offering her wisdom and insights to the doctor, while he values her counsel and relies on her companionship.

Doctor John Dolittle and Tommy Stubbins

The relationship between Doctor Dolittle and Tommy Stubbins is one of mentorship and camaraderie. The doctor imparts his knowledge and love for animals to Tommy, who in turn provides valuable assistance and companionship during their adventures.

Doctor John Dolittle and the Animals

Doctor Dolittle's relationship with the animals in his care is one of profound empathy and kinship. He values each creature as a unique individual and treats them with the utmost respect, earning their unwavering loyalty and trust in return.

Interactions Among the Animals

The interactions among the animals are characterized by cooperation, camaraderie, and occasional playful banter. Their shared experiences and diverse personalities create a dynamic and endearing group dynamic that enriches the narrative.

In conclusion, "The Story of Doctor Dolittle" presents a rich array of characters whose unique traits, backgrounds, and relationships contribute to the heartwarming and adventurous nature of the story. Doctor Dolittle's deep bond with the animal kingdom and the endearing dynamics among the characters make for a timeless and enchanting tale.