The Story of Doctor Dolittle
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"The Story of Doctor Dolittle" Summary

By Hugh Lofting

classics | 144 pages | Published in NaN

ISBN_13: 9780060775971

Estimated read time: 5 min read

One Sentence Summary

A doctor learns to speak with animals and goes on grand adventures with his newfound friends.


"The Story of Doctor Dolittle" by Hugh Lofting is a classic children's novel that has captivated readers for generations. First published in 1920, the book follows the adventures of Doctor John Dolittle, a kind-hearted physician who possesses the unique ability to communicate with animals. The novel's charming narrative and imaginative portrayal of the animal kingdom have made it a beloved favorite among young readers and adults alike.

Brief Synopsis

Plot Overview

The story is set in the quaint English village of Puddleby-on-the-Marsh, where Doctor John Dolittle lives with his numerous animal companions. After learning to understand the language of animals, the good doctor abandons his human patients to travel the world and treat animals in need. His adventures take him to exotic lands, where he encounters a host of colorful characters and embarks on daring escapades.


The majority of the story takes place in the idyllic countryside of Puddleby-on-the-Marsh, a charming village with rolling green hills, cozy cottages, and a bustling market square. However, Doctor Dolittle's travels lead him to diverse and exotic locales, including tropical islands, dense jungles, and remote African villages.

Main Characters

Doctor John DolittleA compassionate veterinarian who possesses the extraordinary ability to understand and communicate with animals. He is kind-hearted, adventurous, and deeply devoted to his animal friends.
PolynesiaA highly intelligent and witty parrot who becomes Doctor Dolittle's closest animal confidante. She provides invaluable advice and guidance throughout his adventures.
Tommy StubbinsA young boy who becomes Doctor Dolittle's loyal assistant. He is curious, brave, and eager to learn from the doctor's wisdom.
JipDoctor Dolittle's faithful and courageous dog companion, known for his loyalty and keen sense of smell.

Story Points Over Chapters

Chapter 1-3: The Call of the Wild

Doctor Dolittle discovers his unique ability to understand animals and decides to leave his human medical practice to focus on treating animals. He begins to communicate with his animal friends and sets out on his first adventure to help a sick squirrel.

Chapter 4-6: The Mysterious Visitor

The doctor is visited by a pushmi-pullyu, a rare two-headed creature from Africa, who seeks his help. Intrigued by the visitor, Doctor Dolittle prepares for a journey to the African continent.

Chapter 7-9: The Voyage to Africa

Accompanied by his animal companions and Tommy Stubbins, Doctor Dolittle embarks on a perilous sea voyage to Africa. They encounter storms, pirates, and other challenges along the way.

Chapter 10-12: Adventures in Africa

In Africa, Doctor Dolittle and his friends navigate the treacherous jungle, befriend native animals, and eventually locate the pushmi-pullyu's homeland. They also confront hostile tribes and a cunning king as they strive to fulfill their mission.

Chapter 13-15: Return to Puddleby

After their eventful African expedition, the group returns to Puddleby-on-the-Marsh. Doctor Dolittle resumes his veterinary practice and continues to care for the animals of the village.

Main Events

  1. Doctor Dolittle discovers his ability to talk to animals and decides to focus on treating them.
  2. A rare two-headed creature, the pushmi-pullyu, seeks Doctor Dolittle's help, leading to a journey to Africa.
  3. Doctor Dolittle and his companions face numerous challenges during their sea voyage to Africa, including storms and encounters with pirates.
  4. In Africa, they navigate the jungle, befriend native animals, and confront hostile tribes in their quest to help the pushmi-pullyu.
  5. After their return to Puddleby, Doctor Dolittle resumes his veterinary practice and continues to care for the animals in the village.

Themes and Insights

Theme 1: Compassion for All Creatures

The story emphasizes the importance of kindness and empathy towards animals, portraying Doctor Dolittle as a champion of animal welfare and a model of compassionate care.

Theme 2: Adventure and Exploration

The novel celebrates the spirit of adventure and the thrill of exploration, as Doctor Dolittle and his companions embark on daring journeys to distant lands in pursuit of their noble goals.

Theme 3: Friendship and Loyalty

The enduring bonds of friendship and loyalty between Doctor Dolittle and his animal friends, as well as his human companion Tommy Stubbins, underscore the value of trust and companionship.

Reader's Takeaway

"The Story of Doctor Dolittle" offers readers a delightful blend of adventure, humor, and heartwarming moments. Through the character of Doctor Dolittle, the novel imparts valuable lessons about empathy, courage, and the beauty of the natural world. The imaginative narrative and lovable animal characters make it a timeless classic that continues to enchant readers of all ages.


Hugh Lofting's "The Story of Doctor Dolittle" remains a beloved literary treasure that has left an indelible mark on children's literature. With its captivating storytelling and endearing characters, the novel invites readers into a world of wonder, compassion, and thrilling escapades. It stands as a testament to the enduring power of empathy and the enduring appeal of stories that celebrate the magic of human-animal connections.

The Story of Doctor Dolittle FAQ

  1. Who is the author of 'The Story of Doctor Dolittle'?

    The author of 'The Story of Doctor Dolittle' is Hugh Lofting.

  2. What is the genre of 'The Story of Doctor Dolittle'?

    The genre of 'The Story of Doctor Dolittle' is children's literature and fantasy.

  3. What is the book about?

    The book follows the adventures of Doctor John Dolittle, a kind-hearted and eccentric doctor who can talk to animals. He sets out on various journeys and adventures with his animal friends, helping them and solving their problems along the way.

  4. Is 'The Story of Doctor Dolittle' suitable for children?

    Yes, 'The Story of Doctor Dolittle' is a classic children's book that is suitable for young readers.

  5. Are there illustrations in the book?

    Yes, 'The Story of Doctor Dolittle' is often accompanied by charming illustrations, bringing the characters and their adventures to life.